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Here is early access to Wednesday special episode! Please enjoy investors! :)



[Edit: Just realized that i’d likely see lots more engagement if i just paid to upgrade my Tier. Lol. I am so tired. I’m such a Noob.😆 Just thought there would be more RussianDude here in the cheap seats. 🥱🥱🥱😴] Artem, do you read these comments from your beloved Patreon patrons often? We offer you a manageable-sized and invested ‘captive’ focus group. I am just a little surprised that there is so little observed ‘engagement’, especially when so many of these comments are—if not addressing you personally—are offering encouragement or suggestions for your or your channel’s benefit. I’m completely sure you are very busy; it just seems like a missed opportunity for you. The Community. Think of it as your community. Just my own thoughts but i’m sure there are others.


Russian Dude, As a 20 year veteran of the USAF I feel that the word ‘Patriotism’ is not being well defined by you. For you it’s a term of manipulation. However, as an American raised in a constitutional democracy I volunteered to serve my country. I am proud to call myself a patriot. Freedom isn’t free. A better term to describe what you’re getting at might be ‘Pseudo-Patriotism’: A false sense of duty created by authoritarian propaganda; What do you think?


Be vigilant. All of us who served did so assuming that our patriotism would not be abused. So we were always on the slippery slope; you know? The Russian Dude is essentially right: patriotism can be abused by people in power. Unfortunately, we are seeing that the American system can be ‘bent’ by bad actors and may be as vulnerable as the morals and ethics of a single leader. Your congress is mired in confusion and in-fighting and your Supreme Court has no enforceable ethics rules and two are technically on-the-take, based on rules established by other Western democracies. Sorry. You can’t live in a democracy and not be vulnerable. People are too complacent, too comfortable when we get used to being well-fed. I was attached to the USAF at Eglin AFB on the panhandle of FL for a bit. Top notch outfit! Respect from Canada.


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