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Additional footage in the archive attached down below.

Prigozhin's Plane Crash

Dmitry Utkin

Prigozhin's Plane

Prigozhin's Planes Paths

Additional footage in the archive attached down below.



I didn't see any other aircraft. I think, that what we saw was part of the wire from the pole just after.


Was Prigozhen aboard that plane? I say he probably was, but at this point there's no way even T'sar Puken can know for sure so soon after a crash like that. And here's why... Looking at how that plane went in, I just can't imagine that there was anything that remotely resembled any human bodies to recover. Certainly not bodies that could be identified by sight. Watch the footage again. The plane starts out coming down in close to a slow flat spin. Which would have slowed down how fast it fell considerably. But shortly after clearing the lower cloud ceiling it noses over into being somewhere between 15 to 20 degrees off the vertical. That whole time it would be picking up speed very quickly as it dropped. By the time it disappears behind the house it's heading absolutely nose first straight into the ground. At that point it presents a much more aerodynamic attitude and it now starts to fall as fast as is physically possible due to the reduced drag on the airframe. Now look at the stills of the wreck. When most aircraft hit, they hit at a significant angle off perfectly vertical to the ground so the wreck winds up spread out over a long oval shaped debris pattern. But this wreck is basically a lump with a debris pattern that's nearly circular. That only happens when a plane hits the ground literally nose first, almost perfectly perpendicular to the ground. When that happens the plane hits the ground at the absolute maximum speed possible, and at first the fuselage telescopes along it's long axis, then sort of bursts outward in all directions an instant latter leaving that signature tight circular shaped debris field. In such a violet impact there are no "bodies". Any human remains aren't even recognizable as having been a person. Add that to what happens to any fuel aboard. On impact the fuel is forced violently forward in the fuel tanks tearing the wings from the fuselage and any fuel tanks burst open. A split instant after that the fuel will rebound from the metal that used to contain it and a good deal of it will form a vapor cloud of fuel thereby mixing the fuel with air. When metal is crushed so quickly by an impact there are almost always sparks as metal slides against metal at incredible speeds. Those sparks ignite the mostly fuel vapor cloud so that it mostly all ignites all at once producing what looks to the naked eye more like a detonation than fuel in a purely liquid state does when lit, and it burns VERY hot. So now explain to me exactly how anyone, even a close family member, could identify the "body". Any clothes would have been burned away so the remains can't be identified by what they were wearing. Watches get ripped from wrists. Anything like keys doesn't stop when a pocket stops, they simply force their way through any cloth to join the rest of the debris field. And on, and on. Additionally there were ten people on that plane and, to put it as gently as I can, things get shall we say, "mixed up"? So was Prigozhin aboard that plane? Probably. But no one can be certain of that until usable DNA, if any, is recovered and tested, and that takes anywhere from several days to a week for the most part. So any claims that his "body" was identified by Wagner comrades are complete bullshit. Now I'm not claiming that there's some conspiracy at foot here. Personally I'm convinced that there's a 95% chance that Prigozhin was in that plane and that he is now VERY dead given the circumstances that led up to this. I'm just making the case that anything claimed by "the new Soviet Union of Stalin" can never be trusted including that Prigozhin's "body" was "identified" by anyone at all simply looking at it. I should also note that Artem is absolutely correct about the plane being brought down by an anti-aircraft weapon. He's right. Those holes in the wings are in fact the unmistakable signature of a proximity detonated anti-aircraft missile whether launched from the ground, or as I suspect (and it's ONLY a suspicion) that it was more likely air launched, since a pilot in a plane has a much better chance of shooting down the right jet than a ground crew does for a whole long list of reasons, and Puken would want to be as certain as possible of hitting the jet with his former "Chef" in it. And as for not seeing another plane, you probably wouldn't. This isn't the 1940's. These days jets are capable of engaging a target at beyond visual range, and if possible they always do. You also probably wouldn't see a smoke trail from an air-launched missile. A common air-launched anti-aircraft missile's rocket motor usually burns out after just a few seconds. But at that point the missile will usually be traveling at around mach 3 (quite a bit faster than any bullet) which means that the missile has enough momentum to glide through most of it's trajectory as it guides itself toward the target. So you wouldn't see a smoke trail unless the missile was launched at practically point blank range. You most likely would see a smoke trail form a ground launched missile since an airborne target is usually well within visual range of the launch platform, and hits the target before the rocket motor of the missile finishes burning out, so... smoke trail. Just sayin'.