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Welcome to my monthly "portfolio performance review" post.

All the numbers are as of July 7th, 2021.

Here I will be showing you the results I've achieved. Such as: Total value change. Biggest winners, and losers. Dividends paid. Any other payments received. And I will also include my new buys and/or sells if they occur. I will justify my transactions as well, so that it might help you make the decision for yourself.

But still, treat this post just for educational and entertainment purposes only. That's my personal portfolio, and it might be far from perfect. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.

Alright, the total value of portfolio increased by 7.87% or +$2,945.00. This includes $2,600 deposit, $18.63 dividends, and $326.37 capital gain.

My best performer was Apple (Technology - Consumer Electronics; NASDAQ: AAPL), which increased by approximately 12.42% comparing to the previous month.

And the worst performer was Carnival Corporation (Consumer Cyclical - Travel Services; NYSE: CCL), which fell by approximately 22.64% comparing to the previous month.

I got paid $18.63 in dividends. All of them are reinvested back into the market.

Total deposit of $2,600 was made into my second TFSA portfolio. The first TFSA is nearly maxed out, that is why I had to start depositing into the second one. Which will be maxed out next month as well.

I also received three shares from people, who used my referral link, totaling $38.31.I haven't deposited these shares yet into either accounts. If you also want to get free share which can be valued up to $4500, feel free to use my Wealthsimple referral link https://bit.ly/3kzztaD

Now my portfolio adjustments. See my working table  below, where I keep track of my portfolio and decide what to buy and/or  sell. As well as other relevant information.

This was basic rebalancing month for me. I bought shares of companies that had less than 5% of my total portfolio value. I bought back some Nucor shares as well. Last month I sold some of them at around $106 and bought some back for $95.38.

This was not a massive gain, rather it was just an experience for me. I closely tracked steel prices and when I saw steel prices reaching their all time highs, I sold some portion of Nucor shares. As soon as the price started declining, the price of Nucor shares fell as well. That is why I bought some of them back. Good experience seeing the relationship between the commodity prices and commodity manufacturer.

I focused on Corsair more this month. Bringing the total portfolio exposure to this company for almost 9%. I will continue buying this company in the future, most likely. The fundamentals, both qualitative and quantitative are as attractive as they used to be.

I also bought $550 more of crypto this month. I added 3 new coins. Which are Solana, Chainlink, and Ontology. The purchases were $250, $250, and $50 respectively. Briefly, Solana and Chainlink are among the most developed crypto projects right now. That is why its team takes their crypto seriously. That is why I believe it has a very strong future.

Solana offers massive number of transactions per second and uses proof of history protocol. Making me holding different cryptos with three different types of protocols: proof of work, proof of stake, and proof of history. The future will show which protocol will be the best and I am holding representatives of all three of them

Chainlink is the project that links different types of blockchains. Also very interesting idea and it definitely deserves the place in my portfolio.

Finally, Ontology is a joke buy. The project seems sketchy and cringe, but these are the cryptos that exploded recently, right? I bought just $50 worth of it. This is pure gambling. I am ready to lose every single dollar on it, but I want to see if ridiculous investments can make it all the way to the top. Who knows?

Below you can see my Total Portfolio Value graph which I decided to include to visualize my performance.

The next graph simply shows my Portfolio Diversification. A  little too much exposure to Technology, Industrials, and Consumer  Cyclical sectors. But I want to keep more technological companies. I  have 4 companies from Industrials sector and I stopped adding more  shares to MMM and Lockheed Martin. This will eventually bring my  exposure to Industrials down in the future. Consumer Cyclical sector has  two companies. CCL and AMCR. I am holding CCL as a company from  "recovering" industry, therefore I am expecting it to grow in the  future. And AMCR is just solid dividend paying company with strong  financials.

The graph below shows the difference between Total Deposits and Total Portfolio Value. Helps me to see if money invested grow faster that money I deposit.

The next graph shows the difference between theoretical S&P 500 Portfolio and My Current Portfolio. In order to get theoretical S&P 500 Portfolio I had to assume "what  if I bough VOO shares instead of individual shares". These theoretical  VOO purchases must be happening on the exact same dates as individual  shares purchases and for the exactly same amounts. Unfortunately, at  this moment I would be better off investing in the S&P 500 index.  But I am just learning and the difference is not that big.

The next graph shows how much money I have invested in each position and how much this investment grew or declined. Blue  is the total amount invested. While red is the growth / decline. If red  part is on top of blue part, this means this investment has made me  money. If it is below blue part, then I've lost money.

The graph below shows individual performance for each position I have. This is the addition for the previous graph which excludes the  total amount invested. This graph only shows growth or decline.

This graph shows dividend yield per company. It helps me to visualize what are my biggest dividend payers and see their respective dividend yields.

And finally, my last graph shows the changes in annual dividends that I get after buying more shares. At this very moment, my annual dividends equal $670.65. This month I decided to focus more on bringing up my annual dividends. Therefore such spike.

I am using Dollar Cost Averaging method while buying new shares. It means spending the same amount of money at the same day of the month. Since you can't perfectly time the market, this method shows good results in long term perspective. And being long term investor, this method suits my needs.

For this reason, my buying times are 6-8th days of each month. If these days are weekends or holidays, these days might change.

I hope your portfolios performed good this month. See you next time!



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