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This was an evening of firsts for Rebecca. Up until she and Kitt walked into the fancy restaurant, the population of Cape Suzette...save for Baloo...had been none the wiser that anything had been going on between the two. At work Beckers was known for cracking the whip, a real hard ass to work for, so much so that no one would have ever believed that anything was going on between the businesswoman and her employee. But walk into the town's only decent French restaurant on the arm of a much younger gentleman and…ohh, watch the heads turn.

A little shag while bent over her office desk was one thing, but up until tonight, she’d never imagined going on an actual date with the young bear. Likewise, she never would have thought she’d be the one asking him out.  The truth of the matter was that the most recent romantic rendezvous should could recall was…well, it wasn’t in this decade.

Maître d': Would madam and her son care to look at a menu before we are seated?

Son. Rebecca glances at her date, scrunching up the corners of her mouth in an attempt to stifle a snicker. Kitt merely rolls his eyes in return, thankful that the snob of a host didn’t offer him the kid's menu. Up until this point Rebecca, now well into her forties, never would have imagined that she’d be dating someone half her age.

Seated at their table, Rebecca peers over her glass, looking around the room as she pretends to sip on a Chardonnay. The tables full of women whispering to one another, casting the occasional squint-eyed frown in her direction…either jealous or disapproving of the bear and her companion. The men, however, can’t help but leer at her…Rebecca’s bosoms practically spilling over the top of her strapless dress.  Beckers smiles into her glass, watching as this husband or that snaps their attention away, an unseen kick beneath the table dealt by a jealous wife.

At first glance, Kitt seems oblivious to the throng of onlookers, picking at a plate of hors d'oeuvres. He too, however, can’t help but steal a glance at his date’s cleavage...from his vantage point one can just make out a hint of areola peeking over her too-tight hemline. Beckers scrunchies up the corner of her mouth, narrowing her eyes as she smiles at the much younger bear.

Rebecca: (whispering). Really? You too?

Beneath the floor-length tablecloth, a stocking-clad toe runs up Kitt's inner calf, stopping just shy of his knee. Trying not to make it obvious, Kitt’s eyes dart around the room, scanning for onlookers. When his eyes return to Rebecca, she too is scanning the room…a purely devilish look in her eyes as her silken digits travel up his inseam.

Rebecca: (whispering) Mmmm...so turned on. All of you… Staring. Undressing me with your eyes.

Beckers raises an eyebrow ever so slightly, biting the corner of her lower lip as she reaches a decidedly pronounced bulge against Kitt’s inner thigh. Rebecca’s demeanor doesn't miss a beat, changing from deviant to warmly observant, smiling up at the waiter as he approaches the table.

Waiter: Good evening. Are we ready to order?

The young cub clears his throat and shuffles in his chair, Rebecca gliding the tips of her toes up Kitt’s length.

Rebecca: Yes, I’ll have the lamb chops with the cognac Dijon cream sauce.

Waiter: An excellent choice. And for you, sir?

Beneath the table Becker’s splayed-wide toes travel up and down Kitt’s fully engorged shaft, the young man biting the inside of his lower lip.

Rebecca: He’ll have the same.

Their order taken and a selection from the wine list approved, the waiter scuttles off toward the kitchen, seemingly unaware of the couple’s shenanigans.

Rebecca: (whispering) What do you suppose they're imagining? Garters and lace? G-string and a smile?

Rebecca pulls her foot away with a smirk, her hands disappearing into her lap. Just as Kitt begins to relax, something silky-feeling and weightless lands in his lap. Kitt blinks at her, wide-eyed, the she-bear seductively running the tip of her tongue across the tips of her teeth.

Rebecca: Or nothing at all.

Download it here.

Original Sketch by BillyBaphomet (RIP)

Colors and Edits by Phillipthe2



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