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The Monarch doesn’t know what’s worse, the pain from being pistol-whipped by his archnemesis' guard dog or the smell of the homeless guy who had been sleeping on his shoulder on the train ride home. Looking in the mirror, he winces, touching the edge of his busted lower lip. The shower has already been running for ten minutes, yet there's no hot water...unbeknownst to him, having already been used up by his wife and henchman.

Monarch: Sweetie, do we have any Bactine? So gonna get infected.

Down the hall Sheila and Gary remain frozen in place, not quite knowing what to do. Gary’s fight or flight response is screaming at him to flee, visions of the monarch torturing him in all manner of gruesome ways. Shelia’s imagination, however, isn't so graphic…she and her husband are swingers after all. In every instance, however, she's always asked before acting. 

Well, every instance….save for one.

Gary: (whispering) Oh my gawd! He’s totally gonna take me out back and stuff me in a wood chipper...or...or...road haul me with Manolo's van!

Sheila: Oh puh-lease. Could you be any less melodramatic?

Back in the bathroom, the Monarch strips down to his cowl and crown, tossing his vagrant-smelling marigold and black into the clothes hamper. Unaware of the lack of hot water, he pulls the shower curtain aside and steps into the clawfoot tub.


Back in the bedroom, Gary grits his teeth, shuddering violently...both in response to Malcom's outburst, but also from Sheila suddenly contracting around his still-rigid length. Grabbing the raven-haired woman by the waist, the henchman begins to lift her while rotating his hips...deciding to err towards flight instead of fight. Sheila, however, grasps the henchman's wrists, turning her head with a hiss, instantly stopping Gary's retreat.

Sheila: Just keep fucking me.

Gary:  Wh-what? Are you crazy?! He's gonna murder us... More to the point, he's gonna murder me!

Sheila: Oh, for gawd's sake! Nobody's getting murdered. Just...just trust me here.

Gary reluctantly returns to heaving into her, the huge bulge in Sheila's abdomen disappearing and reappearing with every thrust.

Sheila: W-w-we're sw-swingers...or did you fuh-forget?

Ten agonizing minutes later, it takes every ounce of Gary's concentration to keep himself hard. Visions of Dr Orpheus's wife, her quarter-bouncingly taught ass rebounding against his thighs as he does her from behind. Caitlin Fairchild and Aspen Matthews taking turns bunny-rubbing their massive breasts around his length. Delving deep into his spank bank, a naked Nami lays before him, her back a veritable smorgasbord of sushi and sashimi.

The padding of feet down the hallway brings Gary back to reality...

Sheila: (whispering) Guh-grab my tits. G-g-get into it. I... I'll do the t-t-talking.

As she commands, Gary grasps the Councilwoman's breasts, soft flesh bulging out from between his fingers. Sheila rotates her hips and arches her back, allowing the henchman to shove the entirety of his shaft inside her. The already prominent bulge in her stomach becomes even more apparent, Sheila legitimately groaning with pleasure as a bathrobe-clad Monarch walks into the room.

Monarch: Oh, please, don't stop on my account.

Sheila's eyes glaze over, her head lolling about as she grins at the newcomer.

Sheila: I don't... I don't... I... I d-don't intend to.

Monarch: Am I missing something here?

Sheila: Sw-sweetie, we t-talked about th-thh-this.

Gary plays his part beautifully, not even missing a beat as he continues to stab into his boss' wife. The pair groan and heave as if nothing was amiss. The Monarch stares on, a slightly bewildered expression on his face, watching as his wife happily bounces and jiggles. Sheila looks up, seeing Malcolm's confused expression...again she smiles at him as if nothing was out of the norm.

Sheila: Sweetie, I t-told you I... Oh gawd! Ohhh fuck, Gary...j-just like th-that!

Sheila's eyes roll back in her head as the henchman picks up the pace. From massive head to the base of his shaft, he forcefully drives the entirety of his length in and out of her. The Monarch says nothing, listening to the sound of skin smacking against skin, his wife letting out that all too familiar whimper when she's nearing the end.

Sheila: I tuh... I t-told you I n-needed to get used to his s-s-size buh... Before I... Ohhh! Oh gawd, yessss! F-fuck me, Gary!

Monarch: Before you... What?

Sheila: Buh... Buh... Before I... Mmmm-hmm! Before I let you two d-d-d... Double...team...meee! H'ohmyfuckingawd, yeessss!

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Original Sketch by Omiiverse

Commissioned by Phillipthe2




Yes! Omniverse does such amazing artwork! Excellent choice for the newest councilwoman update!!!❤️