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With Kim off with her guy-on-the-side and the Tweebs upstairs doing some final edits, Ann has a much-needed break in her filming schedule. Instead of lounging around the house wearing next to nothing...which is pretty much the norm for her...Ann opts to do a little early spring cleaning. Not so much with scrub brushes or gallons of window cleaner, but rather cleaning out her closet. On her hands and knees, sorting through old shoe boxes, she suddenly has the feeling that someone is watching her.

A glance over her shoulder and sure enough, she catches the culprit in the act. Wade, making a rare venture outside of the confines of his tech-filled bedroom, suddenly jerks his head up, an embarrassed expression on his face, having been caught red-handed staring at her ass. Ann simply smiles at him demurely…not that she minds a little extra attention.

Ann: Well, hello stranger. What brings you to our humble abode?

Wade: Jim and Tim, they…uhhh…n-needed my help with s-something.

Ann: Oh, I see. So, you didn’t come by to ogle at me while I crawl around on all fours?

Wade simply blinks at her, mouth agape, not quite knowing how to respond.

Ann: I’m just screwin’ with you, Wade. The boys are upstairs…probably editing something or tinkering with their cameras.

Wade scampers away without saying a word, leaving Ann to smirk at the young man’s expense. Done with sorting through the stuff she knows she'll never wear again….the parachute pants from the 80s were an interesting find…she opts to go through Kim's old clothes as well.

Digging in the back of Kim’s closet, under mounds of lingerie and evening wear, she comes across one of her daughter's old cheer outfits. A little sneer of a smile crosses her face, imagining herself as a preppy cheerleader once again, but knowing full well that the tiny uniform probably won’t fit her. Call it nostalgia or just plain naughty curiosity, Ann grabs up the old cheer gear and heads toward Kim’s bathroom.

Several minutes and a pile of her usual round-the-house attire at her feet later, Ann grunts and groans, heaving and tugging at the ill-fitting garment. She can only get the top down as far as her nipples, her underboobs bulging out the bottom of the purple and crimson fabric. Any more and she’ll probably rip the aging garment…or hurt herself in the process. The skirt isn’t much better, a ring of baby fat pooching over its belt line.…the bottom hem not even remotely covering the lines below her ass cheeks She doesn’t even bother with the uniform matching panties…just looking at the tiny piece of silk is enough to give her a hernia.

Looking in the mirror over the sink, Ann wrinkles her nose, half disgusted at how much weight she’s put on over the years. Still, though, she smirks at her reflection…the whole effect makes her look rather sluty, in an ‘every man’s fantasy' sort of way. As an afterthought, Ann grabs her phone off the counter, trying not to giggle at the absurdity of the whole thing, and pops a lip-biting selfie. Nobody’s gonna see her in this get-up anyway.…or so she thinks.

Once again, Ann gets the feeling that eyes are upon her, but before she can turn to look…

Jim: Awww yeah! Still got it goin' on.

Tim: Go Mad Dogs!

Ann spins around, a guilty, red-faced expression on her face as a trio of young men stare at her from the doorway. How long they’ve been standing there, she has no idea, finally making a half heartened attempt to cover her breasts with her forearm. One thing is readily apparent though, they’ve been there long enough for a pair of very pronounced bulges…and one eye-popping, inseam-busting cylinder…to form in their pants.

Tim: C’mon, Mom. Give us a little cheer routine.

Jim: Yeah, Mom. Pleeeease. Pretty pleeeease. Kim won’t do 'em for us anymore.

Ann: Urgh. Please, with sugar on top?

Ann rolls her eyes, sighing with a smile, the redness still visible in her cheeks. The would-be cheerleader circles her index finger, gesturing in the general direction of her bedroom…she’s not about to try and give them any kind of performance on a tiled bathroom floor, school spirit related or otherwise. The three young men instantly disappear down the hallway, all three with toothy, excited expressions on their faces.

Scarcely a minute later, she enters the room, a pom-pom in either hand. With a raised eyebrow and the corner of her mouth scrunched up in a smirk, Ann can't help but chuckle at the boys' expense. In a single minute, they've all managed to seat themselves in a line at the foot of her bed, all looking on with similar expectant grins. If it weren't for their complete lack of clothing...and a trio of equally expectant, saluting manhood between their legs...she'd think she was looking at a bench row of students at a pep rally.

A pom-pom held above her head, another at her hip, Ann raises a knee...looking much like a flamingo standing on one leg. She can't remember how to do individual, body-positioned 'cheer letters', much less any of her cheerleading routines from 30-plus years ago, so she decides to wing it.

Ann: Gimme an 'M'!

Jim: 'M'!

Ann raises both of the yellow handfuls of streamers into the air, the effect pushing the ill-fitting top upward, scrunching it above her now fully exposed breasts.

Ann: Gimme an 'A'!

Tim: 'A'!

Lowering her knee, both legs splayed apart, the tiny skirt's bellows fail to fall into place, now draped over Ann's hip bones. Ann drops her arms, teasingly covering her tanlined mounds, cocking her hips to one side as she does so. All of the assembled gents, however, seem transfixed on her nethers...clear tendrils of excitement beginning to drip from her pink-tinged labia.

Ann: Gimme a 'D'!

Wade: Heh! She said 'D'.

Biting the tip of her tongue, giving the well-hung recluse her best bedroom eyes, Ann flings the pom-poms toward the bed, either poof landing squarely in the lap of either Tweeb. Not even bothering to take off the ill-fitting uniform...it took five minutes of tugging and groaning to get into it...Ann 'model walks' toward the center of the trio, biting her lower lip as she does so.

Reaching Wade, his stubby legs not quite touching the floor, Ann outstretches a hand, shoving the young man backward. Wade lands on his elbows, grinning up at the redhead like the Cheshire Cat, watching as she climbs onto the bed and straddles his thighs. Open-mouthed, Ann licks the tips of her two front teeth, her slicked labia parting mid-way up the backside of his ginormity.

With easily fourteen inches pressed against her, Ann brings a hand to her mouth, biting the tip of her index finger as she looks down at the grinning nerd. The fingers of her other hand not quite enveloping its massive head, she couldn't remember the last time she'd seen this much girth, let alone tried to take this much length. ...that green, nine-foot-tall alien back when they were still in school maybe?

Ann: Gimme another 'D'.

Wade: Oh, I've got your 'D'.

Ann smirks at the pudgy, little man, watching his reaction as she rolls her hips against the bulge of his urethra. From mild to wild...and all she needs to do is show him a little skin? She'd heard Kim talking about the young man's fabled length and libido long ago, but dismissed it as quickly as she heard it, chalking it up to little more than 'locker room talk'.

Ann: 'O'...is that so?

Wade: 'G'...let's find out.

After an awkward silence, Ann glances from one young man to the other, expecting some sort of 'S'-related comment. The redhead rolls her eyes and sighs, reaching over to free both of the Tweeb's shafts from their pom-pom'd prisons. Tossing the yellow tuffs aside, she instantly begins to stroke their substantial lengths.

Ann: What's that spell?!

Tim, Jim, and Wade: (in unison) Go Mad Dogs!

Download it here.

Original Art by Gagala

Edits by Phillipthe2



Robert B.

Poor Ann she thinks she's still got it, but the truth is she's never stopped having it.


LOVE that woman!!

Robert B.

The more I see this the more I wish I had paid more attention to my high school cheer squad friends in their uniforms.