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Blondie: …and don’t you even think about falling asleep on me, young man.

Feigning a groggy response, Alexander gives Blondie a sleepy 'uh-huh', his eyes mostly shut as the naked woman leaves the room. As an afterthought, hearing Daisy's nails clicking on the hardwood floor as the dog follows the blonde down the hall, Alexander lets out a convincing-sounding snore. Satisfied that she's in another part of the house, Alexander shuffles off the side of the bed.

Covered in both his and her leavings, the young man too makes his way into the adjoining bathroom to clean himself up. Tossing the now twice-used towel aside with an expression of revulsion, the young man pads his way to the bedroom door and peeks around the corner. Hearing the back door open and close, the telltale sound of dog nails on linoleum means that Daisy is outside...and won't alert Blondie to his presence. With no one in sight and the dog happily barking at something outside, Alexander tip-toes towards the living room and the kitchen beyond.

Alexander stops, peering into the kitchen at an otherwise preoccupied Blondie as she stares out the kitchen window. If his staff wasn't at full attention before, it certainly is now...seeing the woman, just as he's imagined her time and time again, naked and leaning over the kitchen counter as she performs some sort of domestic task. With no time to waste, grinning slyly as he does so, Alexander stealthily makes his approach.

The head of his shaft tenths of an inch away from her heart-shaped posterior, the young man reaches up from behind her, grabbing two handfuls of soft under-boob. Just as Blondie's entire body goes rigid, Alexander thrusts his length into her thigh gap, the head of his length popping out the other side through curtains of puffy labia.

Startled, the wooden spoon she had been stirring the spaghetti with is sent flying, clattering across the counter and onto the floor.

Blondie: Jesus! You... You little faker! I knew you weren’t asleeee…

Blondie‘s last word tapers off, suddenly lost for words upon noticing the protrusion sticking out from between her thighs. She should be mad, berating the young man for startling her, but all she can do is stare at it. For as many times as she’d seen him naked and now had him inside her, his gigantism shouldn’t come as this much of a shock. Yet here she is, open-mouthed and blinking at what has to be six inches of flesh sticking out from between her thighs.

This is the second time in as many hours that Blondie has had him 'hotdog style', previously draped over his length while grinding against his behemoth and little he could do about it. This time, however, the tables have turned….hands letting go of her breasts, and his fingers clamp around her hip bones. Knowing what’s coming, Blondie leans forward grabbing the window sill beyond the sink. Alexander withdraws, pivoting his hips…one long, slow, unending push inside her sends shivers through Blondie’s entire body.

For a short eternity, Alexander holds himself inside her, the tips of Blondie's toes barely touching the floor. She’d never had this much inside her before, she was certain of that, having never noticed such a pronounced bulge in her belly…she could even feel the point where his frenulum meets his ‘helmet’ rolling against the rounded edge of the tiled countertop. Blondie can do little but let out a stammering sigh, trying to let herself relax around so much mass.

Blondie scarcely notices the hand shift from her hip, Alexander’s thumb slipping down the crack of her ass. So used to having it there…all day working at the bakery, at the gym, sitting at the dinner table with the family…she’d completely forgotten about the jeweled plug between her cheeks. Alexander, however, has not…


Alexander pushes into her even further, unbelievably further, the tips of her toes coming off the linoleum…at the same time, he presses his thumb against the black jewel. Clawing at the window sill, Blondie writhes and twists, not in pain, but in pure surprise at the sheer amount of meat and chromed metal thrust inside of her. Blondie‘s eyes roll back in her head, her mouth wide open in a broad smile, the young man beginning to heave himself upwards again and again.


Blondie‘s tip toes skitter across the floor, looking for purchase, and find none. Ass cheeks undulating, breast heaving, she lets out a groan of ecstasy followed by a stammering laugh. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think he was purposely treating her like a human paddleball, bouncing her ass cheeks against the flats of his hips.

Alexander: I… I have a con-confession to make.

Blondie: Whu… Whu’s… WHAAA… OHHGAWD! Whu’s that, swuh-sweetie?

Alexander: Do you… Do you know h-how many times I’ve f-fff…

Blondie peers over her shoulder, smiling as her teeth sink into her lower lip. He doesn’t need to say it…it’s obvious that he’s been fantasizing about doing this for quite some time.

Blondie: (whispering) Don't s-s-stop.

Across the yard, Herb is completely oblivious to Daisy’s constant barking on the other side of the fence. The barking, however, has gotten the attention of his wife…Tootsie walks out into the backyard to see what all the commotion is about.  So mesmerized by the scene before him, he scarcely notices Tootsie standing next to him.

Just when she’s about the berate her husband for exciting the noisy dog, she notices what he‘s been staring at. She should be furious…should be beating him senselessly for his indiscretion. Instead, however, she too stares on, transfixed by Blondie‘s oscillating breasts as she‘s pounded from behind.

Tootsie: Herb?

Herb: Yes, dear?

From inside the kitchen window, Blondie manages a toothy grin upon noticing her gawking neighbors, nonchalantly giving them a wave as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Herb and Tootsie simultaneously raise their hands, blinking as they half-heartily return the naked woman‘s gesture.

Tootsie: Take me to the bedroom.

Herb: Yes, dear.

Download them here and here.

Original Art by Roger Bacon

Commissioned and Colors by Phillipthe2



Robert B.

One of the hottest MILFs out there, definitely one of the oldest, and still looking absolutely stunning. I know I've had the same fantasies for decades. Although Blondie is the main focus, somedays I kinda want to see Tootsie bent over a chair or counter too occasionally.


...and in a decade I've done Tootsie a grand total of -once-. Yeah, we may have to rectify that.