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Pulling into the driveway, Henry smiles as Dennis comes running around the corner of the house. Dressed in a black cape and matching top hat, sporting a fake handlebar mustache, he's obviously playing the 'bad guy'.  A quick wave to his father and around the garage he disappears.  Joey appears shortly thereafter, brandishing a six-shooter cap gun and wearing a ten-gallon hat, a tin star pinned to his chest...the 'good guy' waving at the approaching sedan.

Joey: Hey, Mr Mitchell!

Henry returns his wave as he pulls into the garage, Joey disappearing around the corner as well. The car in park and the ignition off, Henry grabs his briefcase out of the back seat before pressing the button to let the garage door down. Motor whirring and steel wheels clanking, Henry steps through the door and into the kitchen, fully expecting to find his awaiting wife. With the kids home on a Monday due to a "teachers' holiday", he also expects to find a tired and completely exasperated-looking Alice.

Henry: Honey! I'm home!

Alice: I'm... I'm in here...

Getting a midday text from his wife wearing little but a smile on her face was nothing new for Henry. Coming home from work to find her dressed in black leather, sporting a riding crop, and expecting immediate subservience...also, nothing new. Henry steps through the kitchen and into the living room to find...

Henry: Uhhhh... Ohhh kayyyy?

Coming home to find her tied up and helpless, however...this was something new. On her hands and knees, bound from shoulders to ankles kinbaku-style, Henry doesn't know whether to gasp or burst out laughing. Surrounding her is a toy train track, round and round, its little engine steadily chugging along. Alice peers up at her husband with a scowl. If looks could kill...

Alice: He literally tied me to the train tracks.

Henry simply raises an eyebrow, smirking at his wife as he nods his head in understanding.

Henry: Alright, the 'damsel in distress' part I get...

Henry widens his eyes, cocking his head towards her in a gesturing manner.

Henry: The naked part? Not so much.

Alice: Just untie me, will you please!

Download it here.

Original Sketch by Jon Moss

Colors and Edits by Phillipthe2



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