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Some time has passed since your mid-day tryst with the curvaceous redhead. Weeks have turned into months with not a single text from her, leading you to believe that it was ‘just the one time’. Were you that bad of a lay? Her cries of ecstasy, pleading with you, outright begging you to make her come again and again would suggest otherwise. But what luck you had, an old geezer like you scoring a hot, little thing like that...even if it was just the once.

Perhaps she’s just moved on, finding something younger….she is old enough to be your daughter after all. Or were you simply the lucky one that day...she did come off as being quite the slut...one in a long string of booty calls? Does the younger crowd even call it that anymore?

Back to the home office grind, tapping away at your laptop, you soldier on through endless amounts of fiscal reports and forwarded-to-death emails. Other than the robo-vacuum whirring through, your only real distraction has been the cat, in need of its mid-morning scratch.

That is until you get a text alert on your phone.

You’re not getting your hopes up…it’s probably just some telemarketer pitching their wares…until you notice that there’s a photo attachment. And just like that, after nearly three months of silence... A full-body selfie reflected in the mirror, her phone hiding half of her face. Wet and glistening, appearing to be fresh out of the shower, and naked save for a towel wrapped around her head.

Kim: (texting) Hey, Daddy! J'you miss me? (kissing face emoji)

Another picture appears... This time from the chest up, the towel having disappeared. Bedroom eyes and a little nibble of her lower lip are partially obscured by tendrils of wet, red hair that dangle in front of her face.

Kim: (texting) I got nice and clean for you. (angel emoji)

Before you can even begin to text a reply, another attachment appears... It's a video.

From the hips down, kneeling on the tiled bathroom floor... You can hear her softly moaning in the background, a single finger parting her slick labia, disappearing into her again and again.

Kim: (texting) Wanna meet up later? Get me nice and dirty again. (eggplant emoji, sweat droplets emoji, devil emoji)

Sitting at the kitchen table, her head still wet from her mid-day shower, a body towel-clad Kim scrolls through the selfies and videos she’d taken only moments before. The scantly clad pics have already gone to her new boyfriend, giving him a little something to think about until he gets off work late tonight. A selection of ’leaves little to the imagination’ shots she’ll post on her secret Twitter account...none of which the boyfriend is ever gonna see. A much smaller and decidedly more deliberately posed batch has already gone to….

As an afterthought, Kim scrolls further back in time, finding one she'd taken some three months ago. Laying on the bed of the run-down motel room, she popped a selfie while her 'distinguish gentleman-on-the-side' was in the bathroom cleaning up. A grinning Kim looks up at her outstretched phone, lines of pearlescent seed crisscrossing her face and chest.

She presses the send button.

Ann: Oooo! That‘s a nice one. You sending that to your new bo’?  Or is that going to your guy on the side?

Naked, save for a set of stiletto heels, Ann peers over Kim’s shoulder…herself taking a little break from filming while the Tweebs set up for another scene. Flipping the phone towards her to block the elder redhead's view, Kim looks over her shoulder with an irritated scowl. Ann, in turn, gives her a pouty expression, pooching out her lower lip for added effect.

Kim: Nope to the first...and I'm not even gonna ask how you know about the other one.

Ann: I see. So, it's not going to your super secret Twitter account then?

Kim: WHAT!? No! Wait, how do you know about...?

Ann: Ohh, pah-leeease. Last time I checked two techno-savvy young men were living under this roof. Aaaannd then there's your horn-dog, uber-hacker friend. I've known about it since, like...the 'sunburn and tan lines' one you posted back in May.

Kim: Fuck. I am sooo gonna murder those three.

Kim's phone chimes twice in quick succession... The first text tells her that her boyfriend is getting off work at the usual time...and not to wear anything complicated. The second text is from her gentleman friend, telling her that he'll be at their previous rendezvous within the hour.

Ann: Well now, somebody's popular.

Kim lets out an annoyed growl, looking down at the two texts on her device.

Kim: Aww, screw it. I've got time for both.

Download it here.

Original Art by Gagala

Edits by Phillipthe2

Pose Reference by S3xySoph



