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In the partially renovated childhood home of the Monarch, Dr. Mrs grows more and more irritated. Trapped in the stairwell leading to the Monarch's secret lair for a full thirty minutes, she listens in as Gary tries to hurry Manolo along. Regardless of the handyman's untimely arrival, she's still determined to finish rewarding her loyal and ever-faithful henchman. She could simply walk right into the office, but that might be a little awkward considering that she only has a pair of pom-poms to cover herself with.

Standing in the Monarch's office, the secret bookcase entrance slightly ajar, Gary can see the naked and increasingly exasperated-looking Councilwoman glaring at him. Manolo, unaware of her presence, wants to talk shop while he's there....only adding to the woman's irritation.

Manolo: ...y los cimientos debajo de los escalones de la entrada están agrietados. Va a tomar mucho tiempo y dinero arreglarlo.

Gary: Está bien, eso está bien. Lo que sea necesario. I've, like, really gotta thing I've gotta do, so...

Manolo: Ah, y la plomería que va al baño de arriba... muy fucked up.

Gary cuts his eyes towards the bookcase while the handyman gestures to another part of the house, going on about ornamental plumbing fixtures and leveling compound. Sheila points at her wrist then twirls her finger in the air, giving Gary both the 'hurry up' and 'wrap it up' signals.

Gary: Seriously, I've got a... A date... Yeah, in like thirty minutes, so...

Manolo: ¿En Newark? Heh, solo si estas desesperado. Sabes, mi prima.. Ehh, my cousin. She likes the crazy gringos. Maybe you two could....

Dr. Mrs rolls her eyes, gathers her pom-poms against her chest, and...

Dr Mrs: Oh, fuck this noise.

Stepping out of the bookcase hideaway, Sheila walks right between the two men, giving Gary an angry scowl as she passes. The two men stare on, wide-eye and blinking, watching as the bare-assed woman plods across the room and disappears down the hallway.

Manolo: I...uhhh... I should be going, Mister Gary.

Gary: I'll...uhhh... Yeah. I'll walk you to the door.

Walking down the front steps, Manolo shakes his head as the front door closes and locks behind him.

Manolo: Fucking bicho raro, gringo swingers.

Meanwhile, in Manhattan, the Mighty Monarch burst through the lobby doors of Ventech Tower, screaming the name of his arch-nemesis...

The Monarch: Vennntuure! Show yourself, you sniveling coward!

Sergeant Hatred: Ahh, Jeeez. Not you again. Didn't you get the memo, Monarch?

The Monarch: You tell that... That... That weenus to come down out of his ivory tower and...

Sergeant Hatred: He's not here, genius. He's off at the Science Now conference schlepping some new gizmo. So, why don't you angry-stomp yourself right on back through the front door or...

The Monarch: Or what?! You'll give me a beat-down, old man?

Sergeant Hatred: That's the general idea, yes.

The Monarch: Oh yeah? You and what army, -Courtney-.

Unbeknownst to the Monarch, Sergeant Hatred has a childhood flashback of his time spent at St. Mary's Catholic School for Wayward Boys...years of wedgies, getting stuffed into lockers, and countless beatings on the school playground come pouring back to him.

The Monarch, his taunting demeanor instantly changing to one of pure fear, watches as Sergeant Hatred stands up from behind his desk. His expression of mild annoyance twists into something else...a single, pronounced vein popping out of his forehead. Stepping around the desk, the obese ex-villain draws his pearl-handled M1911.

Sergeant Hatred: The sisters at St. Mary's used to call me 'Courtney'.

As the Monarch backs away, his eyes darting for an easier exit, Hatred flips the pistol in his palm, holding it by the barrel...the better to bludgeon the low-level arch with.

Sergeant Hatred: Nobody calls me 'Courtney'.

Back in Newark, still in his sweatpants and Star Wars tee, Gary meanders upstairs, unsure of whether he and Sheila are going to continue where they left off. Peeking around the door frame into his primary's bedroom he fully expects to find a ‘turned off’ and equally pissed off Dr. Mrs. What he finds, however, is the Councilwoman on her bed, looking over her shoulder with a quizzical, 'What are you waiting for?' expression. On her hands and knees, a pom-pom in either hand, her heart-shaped ass facing towards the door, the Councilwoman smirks....watching as Gary dances around, trying to remove a foot from his elastic-ankled pants.

Gary: I can't believe you actually did that. You know he's gonna double his hourly rate, right?

Dr Mrs: I can't believe he actually tried to hook you up with his cousin.

Gary: I know, right?

Sheila bites her lower lip, the henchman's wobbling giant finally free of its polyester prison. For as many times as she’s had his kaiju inside her today, she’s still awestruck by the sheer size of it.

Dr Mrs: So, who's this 'desperate' mystery date from Newark?

His shirt up and over his head, Gary flings the tee aside, grinning down at the nude woman as he positions himself between her legs. Wasting no time, a hand on either of her hips, Gary pulls the small stature woman towards him...Sheila gives him a purely faux scowl as his monstrous head presses against the entirety of her vulva.

Gary: I thought I was lookin' at her.

Dr Mrs: Wh-what?! I AM NOT DESP...

Even though it was said in jest, Sheila's faux scowl briefly changes to a look of real anger at the remark...her last word dissolving into a low, shuddering groan as Gary pushes into her. Eyes crossing, rolling back in her head, the doctor's mouth forms a perfect 'oh'...her ire instantly forgotten when every ripple and fold inside her is yet again pressed taught by umteen inches of Gary's humongous bulk.

The henchman holds himself inside her, pressing his hilt hard against Sheila’s pressed-flat labia. This is now his favorite thing, a sneer of a smile at her expense, watching as the tiny woman writhes and moans around the sum total of his manhood. Albeit real, this time the writhing and moaning are a bit exaggerated…Sheila makes a show of it to further reward her husband‘s one and only minion.

Just as she feels Twenty-one begin to withdraw and commence pounding her, Sheila raises her upper body to a vertical position, arching her back for ease of entry. Gary instinctively reaches around her, grabbing two handfuls of the doctor’s plentiful mounds, pulling her back against his chest as he does so. With any other man she’d be worried about them slipping out in this position, but with this much length…the pronounced bulge in her belly confirms that there’s little chance of that.

Sheila's ass cheeks jiggling with every upwards thrust, the bulge disappearing and reappearing, Dr. Mrs tries to concentrate and think of something cheer-related....her mind cloudy, preoccupied with the henchman driving into her. A little grin appears, the doctor pumping her pom-pom'd fists into the air.

Dr Mrs: Be aggressive! B-E aggressive! B-E-A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E

Gary: Oh my fucking gawd! That is, like, totally my favorite Faith No More song!

Dr Mrs: I... I know, r-right? I was guh-gonna go with N-N-Nirvana, but... Guh-goth ch-ch-cheerleader are s-so overdone.

The Monarch: ...and she is sooo NOT the suicide girl.

The two freeze in place, Gary's fingertips instantly clenching into Sheila's breasts. Both mortified villains stare straight ahead, wide-eyed, teeth-gritted, too petrified to turn and look toward the interrupting voice. The Monarch, sporting a busted lip and a swollen black eye courtesy of Sergeant Hatred, continues down the hallway towards the bathroom without stopping.

The Monarch: Oh, please, don't stop on my account.

Download it here.

Original Art by Titania.Gold

Commissioned by Phillipthe2



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