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Well into her third bottle of vino for the evening and well-past caring what anyone thinks about it, Beth stumbles around the Smith household in little but a pair of socks.  No one, other than the ever-masturbating Morty, seems even remotely surprised by her lack of clothing. Summer, on her phone and completely absorbed in some social media platform, takes little notice of the naked blonde meandering into her bedroom.

Beth: (slurring her words) Ssssooo, a lil' birdie told me that yooouu are an envious lil' thing.

Summer: Envious? Uh-huh. And what did this 'little birdie' say I was jealous of... Your alcohol intake?

Beth: Now, don't be smart-alecky with me, young lady. This lil' birdie tol' me that yoouu are jealous of my boobies. ...even stole one of my bras outta the hamper.

Summer: What!? No! I... I... Who... Who told you that?!? It was Morty, wasn't it?! I'll kill that little...!

Beth: Ohhh, come on now, Sum-Sum. These...

Summer's anger instantly turns to horror, Beth abruptly snatching the redhead's tank top up to reveal...

Beth: These are boobies you can be proud of.

Download it here.

Original Sketch by Vuduplex

Colors and Edits by Phillipthe2



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