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Just a quick heads up to let everyone know that Patreon is having some payment issues...and nothing I can do about it on my end.  In a veiled attempt to skirt U.S. taxes last month, Patreon switched it's banking from the U.S. to Ireland.  That stupid and not very well thought-through move then triggered alarms bells at many U.S. banks, they in turn declining many millions of transactions.

Straight from @PatreonStatus:

We've traced the slightly elevated decline rates back to payments infrastructure upgrades required by one of our payment processing partners. Patrons might see some payments declined while changes take effect through the payments ecosystem.

Yeah.  Way to downplay it, Patreon.  Millions of declined transactions isn't "slightly elevated" and...  Since when is the worldwide banking infrastructure an "ecosystem"?  ...as if there's a tropical rain forest growing in the middle of their server room.



Yeah, all of my pledges declined this month. Thanks, Patreon.


Yeah, my $ starting point for the beginning of the month was literally half what it normally is. Likewise, all of my pledges were declined. Thanks indeed.