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Sitting at the kitchen table, Goofy adds some cream and sugar to his coffee, staring out the kitchen window as Max gnaws away at the plate of scrambled eggs and bacon. All is quiet at the Goof residence...until there's a knock at the front door.

Roxanne lets herself in, striding into the kitchen with a cheerful flourish. Standing behind Max, she gives Goofy a friendly wave.

Goofy: Well, good mornin', young lady.

Roxanne: Morning, Mr. Goof.

Goofy: So, what brings you here so bright and early? You two got some big plans for the day?

Roxanne: No, Sir. We're just gonna hang out and play some Super Mario Bros.

Max: We might go take in a matinee later and see that new Toy Story movie.

Goofy gestures towards the table, eyeing the little redhead.

Goofy: You want some breakfast, Roxie? I can whip up some more of my famous Eggs a la Goofy right quick.

Leaning over, smooshing her chest into his back, Roxanne looks over Max's shoulder...pretending to be interested in what he's eating.  Max is no dummy....she's been sending out all of the right signals.  All week long with the hair twirling, a subtle nibble of her lower lip when she finishes her sentences, and the less-than-subtle posturing. 

Roxanne: Ohh, no thanks, Mr Goof. I already ate.

Roxanne pulls out a chair next to the younger Goof, running a finger across his shoulder blades as she sits down. Beneath the table, Roxanne slips a hand into Max's lap, giving his crotch a gentle squeeze.  Max shoots her a glance.  

Message received...  Now if only they could get Goofy out of the house for a couple of hours.

Max: I thought you and the Pete’s played cribbage every Saturday afternoon?

Goofy: Naw, not this weekend. Pete had tuh go outta town for some kinda sales conference.

Max: Well, maybe Mrs. Pete‘d like to play some anyway? You know, keep her company while Mr. Pete's away. You just know she's cooped up in the big 'ol house...PJ and Pistol prolly driving her crazy. Maybe take her some of that chocolate pie you made yesterday?

Roxanne: Oh, that would be awfully neighborly of you, Mr. Goof. I'm sure she'd appreciate it a little company.

Taking a sip of his coffee, Goofy eyes the pair suspiciously.

Goofy: Uhhh-huh... If’n I knew any better, I’d say you two were just tryin’ tuh get me outta the house fer somethin'.

Hours later, having skipped the card game and gone upstairs, a sweat-soak Peg reaches over and grabs a pack of cigarettes off the nightstand. Lighting two, she hands one to an equally perspiration-soaked Goofy. Rolling onto her side, the redhead playfully runs a finger across the lanky hound's chest.

Peg: You know they're over there doin' it, right?

Goofy: Ah-h'yuck!

Download it here.

Original Sketch by Roger Bacon

Colors and Edits by Phillipthe2



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