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Firstly, in case you missed it, Gagala is now on NewGrounds.

Secondly, I had a little bit of a medical issue the past couple of weeks...two weeks of fun with a bladder infection.  No sleep for days on end and unable to concentrated on anything for any length of time doesn't make for a productive Phil.  I got a clean bill of health this morning, but I missed an entire week of (real) work and it put me two weeks behind on patreon.

  • Two more pages of "Home Movies" are in the works or already finished.  I just need to finish writing the story for both of them.
  • "Squeezable - Part 5" is nearly done, but I haven't started the story yet.
  • Another unrelated Rebecca Cunningham piece is done.  It's a little odd and OC-ish.  You'll see what I mean.
  • Roxanne and Max, also nearly completed...and also haven't started the story yet.
  • Team Rocket, also nearly done...also haven't started the story.
  • "Councilwoman One - Part 6" is still in limbo, waiting on the artist it finish it.
  • "Good Boy - Part 3" - done, but waiting on the story to be completed.

There will of course be the usual July 4th piece.


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