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Between the boys, Honey, various robots, and by far the busiest week the cafe has ever had, Cass has been absolutely run ragged the past week. Stirring in bed, naked save for her cat purring away as it lays across her stomach, the proprietor blinks at a single shaft of light glinting through a gap in the curtains. She has no idea what time of day it is, only comprehending that it's Sunday…her only real day off.

The lazing cat lets out an affectionate half-purr, half-meow when it realizes its owner is awake…Cass reached down to pet the round ball of fur atop her. In doing so, her movement causes something to roll around on the bed, hard and plastic feeling, coming to rest against her thigh. It’s a piece of Hiro‘s Megabot, Cass smirking at its derby, hand-painted face as she picks it up. A red light on it slowly pulses…likewise for the other pieces of it scattered across the bed…suggesting that its battery is near-depleted.

Setting the robot piece down, she sits up in bed, the overweight cat rolling onto her lap in the process. Looking down, the cat now pawing at her hand and demanding to be pet, Cass obliges, scratching the needy feline behind the ear. The cat contentedly purring away, Cass looks around her wreck of a bedroom...the floor is still littered with all manner of lingerie, wadded-up bed covering, and battery-operated sexual devices from the past couple of night's activities.

First things first, however…the sweat-soaked mattress, damp from hours of writhing and contorting, is a good indicator of just how funky she feels…she needs a long, hot shower. Her mess of a bedroom can wail till later. Swinging her legs off the side of the bed, the cat bounding onto the floor and out the door, Cass attempts to stand…her knees shaking, thigh muscles quivering. Cass flumps back onto the bed with a chuckle.

Cass: (thinking) Jesus, Cass. What’d that lil’ bot do to you?

Finally making her way into the bathroom, having grabbed her favorite toy off the dresser as an afterthought, Cass twists the hot water tap. Waiting for the water to warm up it occurs to her that she hadn't even bothered to put on a bathrobe, should the boys be awake. The naked, buxom woman allows herself a slightly lecherous smile...not that it would matter much, both of them have seen (and partaken of) all that she has to offer.

Steam rolling over the top of the glass tub enclosure, the mirror over the sink having already fogged up, Cass closes her eyes, letting the hot water beat down on her. A hand against the cool tile, the other manipulating the vibrating toy, the woman lets out a little whimper…the tip slowly circling her protruding, pink button. The length of the cylinder now glides against her labia, parting them ever so slightly, she lets the curved, pulsating tip slip inside her with a twist of her wrist.

In and out, her inner muscles tightening and relaxing around the whirring cylinder, Cass is lost in her own imagination. Glimpses of Hiro’s girth plunging into her from behind, Tadashi’s length slipping past her lips and down her throat, Honey’s nimble fingers all over her body. Cass is completely unaware of…

Baymax: Insertion at a fifty-three-degree angle and inward three centimeters, the device will produce optimal stimulation and sexual arousal upon contact with the “Gräfenberg Spot”, commonly referred to as the ‘G-spot’.

Wide-eyed and startled, Cass lets out a yelp of surprise. Slipping and sliding, turning to face the intruder, the toy slips from her grasp, clattering around the porcelain tub. Standing outside the glass enclosure the amorphous, expressionless humanoid simply stares at her for a few seconds, finally lowering its head to look at the toy laying at the bottom of the tub.

Baymax: You have dropped your device.

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Original Art by HD-2

Commissioned by Phillipthe2




Love it!!