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Between her constant spending and his crumbling shell game of companies, Kelly and her husband have been on the cusp of financial ruin for years. Constantly bickering, she coming home after a ten thousand dollar spending spree in Boca Raton or he coming home smelling of sex and cheap perfume, divorce has been in the air as well. Ever the ungrateful, self-centered daughter that she is, Taylor could care less...just so long as the constant pampering doesn't stop.

Off on a mother-and-daughter weekend getaway, Kelly and Taylor return home to an empty house. The two women walk around their now cavernous feeling mansion, dumbstruck as they roam from room to room. Aside from a few piles of their clothes, every single stick of furniture and knickknack is gone...even the drapes have disappeared.

Taylor: Oh my god! Did we get robbed? They... They took my Barbie collection too!

Kelly, opening the refrigerator and peering inside, rolls her eyes in disgust. Not only is all of the food gone, but the culprit even took the ice cube trays. Even her prized collection of Nerf guns is missing as well. As an afterthought, Kelly pulls out her phone and clicks the banking app. Sure enough, her joint checking account is overdrawn.

Kelly: No, dear, I think this was your father's doing. No doubt laying on some tropical beach in a non-extradition country, rolling in a pile of our money...probably doing lines of coke off some fake-titted slut's butt cheek.

Taylor: But... But... But Daddy was gonna take me shopping! Wha... What are we gonna do?!

Kelly rolls her eyes and sighs in irritation. Semi-ignoring her daughter, Taylor just about to irrupt into a full-blown temper tantrum, the blonde scrolls through her phone looking for a contact. She's going to have to call in a favor.

Kelly: Sweetie, go find something tight-fitting to wear while mommy makes a few phone calls.

Hours later, sitting across from Chris McClean, now corporate CEO of Total Drama Entertainment, Kelly bats her eyelashes at the former reality show host. Knowing full well what the woman is after, Chris plays along, listening to her pitch for a new show while pretending to take no notice of the sheer amount of cleavage spilling out of her fashion-jogging suit jacket. Although they were the most popular contestants on the show, he doesn’t have any use for any of the 'talent' from Ridonculous Race, it having some of the lowest ratings of all of the Total Drama franchise.

Chris: TD meets Naked and Afraid. I like it. I'll pass your idea along to marketing. Maybe work up a retainer agreement and see how it goes. In the meantime, however, I know you're looking for a... For a... Mmm-hmm...

Beneath his desk, Taylor switches from tonguing the underside of the man's huge shaft, opting to go for the gusto. Bracing herself, she presses her lips around Chris's swollen head, driving her mouth down his shaft. Kelly smiles at him, watching as his eyes flutter momentarily, the familiar 'gulk-gulk' sound of a mouth taking far more than it's used to emanating from beneath the desk.

Taylor fights through the urge to retch, plunging her mouth down the huge rod again and again. A hand on top of the head urges her down further...the bulk of his rod straining her esophagus. Two hands now, not so much urging than forcing, her lips touching the base of his shaft.

Kelly: So, you were saying...

Chris: Yes... I was about to... About to say... Hang on.

McClean's mouth opens in a silent 'oh' expression, his eyes crossing slightly as he hunches forward in his chair. Taylor, not expecting him to come so soon, her cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk, struggles to swallow it all. Kelly raises an eyebrow, watching as the former host instantly refocuses on her, speaking to her as if nothing had happened. Taylor, emerging from below the desk and looking around, wiping a bit of spittle from her lower lip...she managed to not spill a single drop...the only indication that anything out of the ordinary had happened.

Chris: So, in the meantime, I know you've gotta be looking for some quick cash. I have a little side business...an exclusive, invite-only venue that caters to... Well, let's just say that a who's who of the rich and famous come to rub elbows.

He had her at 'rich and famous'...without even saying what the nature of the business is. From a strictly business standpoint, McClean knows that mother and daughter pairings are quite rare, but they never fail to keep his clients happy...and, more importantly, they never fail to fill the establishment's coffers.

Chris: My secretary will give you the details.

Later that evening, Kelly and Taylor arrive at the establishment, still not knowing what it is they’ll be doing. There's no name on the building, only a tuxedo-clad bouncer standing behind a velvet rope at its otherwise unremarkable entrance.

It's only when they’re inside do they realize what the place is. Taylor wrinkles her nose, looking around the dimly lit interior.

Taylor: Mom, is this a...

Kelly: Yes, sweetie. Yes, it is.

Download them here here here and here.

Original Art by codylake

Colors and Edits by Phillipthe2



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