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So, what does one do with the spoiled rotten daughter of a rich trophy wife and an over-doting father?

Take away her credit card and make her earn a hard days living?  Shower her in gifts and perpetuate the never-ending cycle of bitchery?

You tell me.  Comment below...and maybe I'll write a story to that affect.  If there are enough comments, maybe I'll put 'em in a poll and let y'all decide her fate.  :D

Download it here.

Original Art by codylake

Colors and Edits by Phillipthe2



Robert B.

(Typical movie plot.) The parents end up broke or on the run for tax evasion and take all the money and leave the country to go into hiding. Leaving the spoiled one broke with no place to stay and soon indebted to some scary people who immediately put her to "work". Unfortunately for them she enjoys the "work" and gets good at it, learns the ropes and who to blackmail and soon becomes the "Queen Bee" running her own "business" with her own girls. Or she just starts turning tricks on her own to make money to survive. (Jamie Lee Curtis:"Trading Places") Or she finds a finds a Madam looking for high end girls to put to "work" for her. (Billie Piper:"Secret Diary of a Call Girl")