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Was this the fifth or sixth time she'd shown this house to the same couple? Peg couldn't remember.

She was, however, acutely aware that something like this would eventually happen. Much like her previous profession, strutting the stage at Spoonerville's one and only all-nude strip club, occasionally a customer will become completely infatuated with her. Instead of spreading the love around, as it were, she'd end up devoting entirely too much time to a single customer...and inevitably end up losing money when some other girl winds up grinding their hips against the lap of the bigger fish.

Spending entirely too much time trying to sell a mid-range house like this...to a single couple...means that she is probably losing out on a commission for a higher-end home.

Peg: (thinking) Alright. No more screwing around. It's time to get a sale out of these two...or send 'em packing.

Read the story and see if it's a buyer's market for Peg at the $5 tier level.  :D

Original Sketch by Roger Bacon

Colors and Edits by Phillipthe2



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