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Rummaging through her collection of leather outfits, cosplay costumes, and revealing lingerie, Sheila can’t quite decide what to wear. Not that it will matter much as she doesn’t intend on being in it for very long, but she’s never been put into a position like this. How does one reward your most faithful and ever-loyal henchman?  Well, the 'how' is the easy part.  The 'what to wear' part, not so much.

It was fairly simple when she and the Monarch had a small army of minions...she wouldn't. Well, certainly not in the 'going down on a hundred butterfly-themed henchmen' sense of the word. Maybe some areola peaking out of her old ’Dr. Mrs’ costume as she strolled through cocoon’s throne room. A shorter than usual Jackie-O dress, a glimpse of her perfect ass cheeks jiggling beneath its bottom hem while meandering through the henchmen's lounge. Just a little something for them to ogle at, her way of rewarding them for a job well done.

Throwing this costume and that over her shoulder, all manner of studded leather and crotchless options landing on the bed behind her, Sheila growls at her indecision. Looking back at the growing mass of unmentionables, it suddenly dawns on her. Throwing her arms up and rolling her eyes as if to say ‘isn’t it obvious’, she snatches up two simple items, clutching them against her otherwise naked body as she heads down to the secret lair.

Read the story and see what the good doctor rewards her henchman's loyalty with at the $1 tier level.  :D

Original Art by Titania.Gold

Commissioned by Phillipthe2



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