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It's a quiet and uneventful morning at Spoonerville College as Miss Marpole stands at the checkout desk stamping return dates onto library book cards. The usual morning rush of students has come and gone leaving only a handful of undergraduates scattered about. Other than the usual shushing gesture directed at the more rambunctious youth, all is quiet.

On Mondays, Sylvia makes a point of seeking out students who have overdue books and reminding them to return them, lest they start incurring late fees. Granted, it's only twenty cents per day, but after thirty days school policy requires her to send the offending student a letter. Twenty cents per day, per book, doesn't sound like a lot, but it adds up pretty quickly when you're a poor, unemployed student living in the dorms and on the 'ramen noodle diet'.

Case in point...and a repeat offender...one Maximilian Goof. Currently, he has five books that he's yet to return...and Sylvia has honestly lost count of how many times she's had to send him a warning letter.

Sitting at a table next to one another, Max and PJ pretend to be studying, but are there to do nothing but ogle the girls at a nearby table. A table away, Lisa and her redheaded bestie do much the same...though, they have little interest in the two nerds sitting nearby. Transfixed on the shapely blonde, neither Max nor PJ notice when Miss Marpole steps from around her desk and ambles their way.

Standing between the two boys, both of them oblivious to her presence, Sylvia is just about to say something when... Glancing down, Sylvia's eyes widen, noticing the tremendous bulge in Max's skin-tight jeans. Even soft...or at least she assumes it is...it's easily eight inches long and the same diameter as her wrist. For as long as she's been dating Goofy...no slouch in the girth and length department himself...how has she never noticed the giant that his son is sporting?

Blinking, suddenly self-conscious of herself staring down at the boy's crotch, Sylvia's eyes dart around to see if anyone has noticed. Seeing that no one is looking, the bespectacled librarian rolls her eyes in embarrassment, and then clears her throat to get the young man's attention.

Sylvia: Mr. Goof, a word, please.

Startled, and wide-eyed, both Max and PJ jump in their chairs as they turn towards her. Sylvia, however, has already wheeled about...walking back to her desk so as not to draw their gaze to her flushed, crimson cheeks. They, however, can't help but not to notice tops of her thigh-high stockings sneaking out from below her short skirt. If anything, dating Max's father has given the mousy woman a lot more self-confidence. Gone are the ankle-length dresses, close-toed pumps, and a sweater...replaced with plunging necklines, back-seamed stockings, and mile-high stilettos.

PJ: (whispering) Dude. I would totally do your dad's girlfriend.

Pushing his chair back and standing up, Max wrinkles his nose at his best friend, silently mouthing 'fuck you' before turning and walking towards the front counter. Some twenty feet behind her, Max watches as the now not-so-timid librarian bends down as she walks, tugging at the hem of her tight, knit miniskirt. PJ, however, isn't wrong. Mousy or not, if it wasn't for his dad, Max would've tried to get her out of said skirt long ago.

Read the rest of the story and see what the penalty for tardy book returns is at the $1 tier level.  :D

Original Art by authorialnoice

Commissioned by Phillipthe2



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