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Kim: They wanna do a cover shoot, where...?

It'd been years since Kim had set foot in Bueno Nacho. Even back in their Disney heyday, she never particularly cared for the food...a little too much Tex and not enough Mex. In her opinion, it wasn't much of a step above Taco Hell. The place was always Ron's thing anyway.

After the house of mouse pulled up stakes...and Ron went into rehab...she only frequented the place for one reason: Ned. Living a block away, they'd been round-about friends since middle school. Not so much in school...he was way too nerdy to be in her social clique...but afterward was another story. On the phone, in the middle of the night, talking dirty to one another as they watched each other via telescope. A little strip show here, a little masturbation there...he, infatuated with the hottest cheer-unobtanium in school...she, infatuated with his monstrous manhood.

It wasn't until well after high school that they finally hooked up. He was a manager on the move, destined for a senior corporate position within Bueno Nacho, International. She was a washed-up child actor, the Disney money drying up, and in need of a real job. It was short-lived...much like when she 'worked there' as an actress, she loathed working there in real life. But still, seeing one another on a daily basis, friends quickly became friends with benefits.

Even after she'd quit the job, Kim would come back for the occasional late-night quickie to blow off some steam. Overlooking his incredibly annoying voice, she just had to have that astonishingly huge 'dee' from time to time. In the booths, on the front counter, a standee while pressed against a restroom stall door...even bent over, pumped from behind while hanging out the drive-thru window.

Flash forward some years later and Ned has moved up the ranks, promoted to vice president of marketing in the company's Go City office. Likewise, Kim's busy schedule in her new-found career in the adult entertainment business keeps her pretty tied up. In both of their cases, hook-ups just don't seem to be in the cards anymore.

Ned, however, is pitching a new ad campaign to a certain men's magazine. As it just so happens, they're also looking for a familiar face...cover shoot, interview, and a tastefully nude five-page spread. Conveniently enough, Ned has the perfect shoot-venue...and just happens to know a certain redheaded girl next door who doesn't mind taking her clothes off in front of a camera.

A week later Ned finds himself back in his old restaurant, having flown in to personally oversee the shoot. Sitting in a booth, she and Ned catch up on old times as a small army of photo-boffins scurries around them.

Ned: Wow, this place sure brings back some memories.

Kim: Mmmm-hmm.

Ned: Heh! Remember that one time behind the counter...?

Kim: You're gonna have to be more specific than that. Behind, pressed against, or laying on top of? I recall quite a few times.

Ned: The 'under the counter' time.

Kim: H'oh Gawd! Yeah...and me in my old, waaay-too-small for twenty-something-year-old, cheer outfit.

Ned: Way too small...in all the right places. Though, I don't recall you being in it for very long. Just straight to naked...every single time...even for a hand job or a hummer. What's up with that?

Kim: Hey now, I was wearing... A smile. ...and I never saw you complaining about it.

Ned: I can't believe I actually proposed to you.

Kim: Ohhh, but you looked so cute! Glasses all steamed up, buried to the hilt. Not exactly the fairy tale, on one knee, proposal a girl'd hope for. But... Heh! At least I got a year's worth of free burritos out of it.

Ned: So embarrassing.  Right up until the point when we discovered that a certain somebody really, reeeally loves anal.

Kim: OMG! You did not just go there!

Ned: ...and then that chick came in. With the roller skates.

Kim: Gawd... Me, hiding under the counter with you still coming in my... What was that girl's name, anyway? Maxie? Moxie? Tracy, maybe?

Ned: Trixie. Ooof, the body on that girl. The afro-puff hairdo? Not so much.

Kim: Trixie. Right. Jesus, I can't believe you were hitting on her...and pumping my ass at the same time.

Ned: Hey, a good Bueno Nacho manager has to learn to multitask.

Kim: Riiiiight. 'Multitasking', he says.

A young, petit photo-boffin, clipboard in hand, steps up to the table. Under the table, Kim slips a hand into Ned's lap, her fingernails running up his inseam. Ned's eyelids flutter, a sudden shiver running down his spine.

Boffin: Excuse me, sir. We'll be ready for Miss Possible in five minutes. And, uhhh... I was, like, a huge fan of yours when I was a kid, Miss Possible. 'So the Drama' is my all-time favorite.

Kim: Ohh, that's kind of you to say. Thank you!

Boffin: I...uhhh... Could I...?

Kim: Yes, dear?

Boffin: I'm not supposed to do this, but...

The boffin looks around to see if anyone is looking, then holds out her clipboard.

Boffin: Can I, like, trouble you for an autograph?

Kim: Why certainly, sweetie. Do you have a pen?

The boffin beams from ear to ear as she hands Kim a pen. Beneath the table, the redhead wraps her fingers around Ned's ever-lengthening member through his pants, gently kneading its sensitive head. Ned wobbles his head from side to side, smiling up at the star-struck woman as if nothing is happening.

Kim: Who should I make this out to?

Writing out a note and signing it with a flourish, the tops of her i's complete with little hearts, Kim hands the clipboard back to the little cutie. Under the table, Kim glides her fingers up and down Ned's length.

Boffin: Thank you, Miss Possible!

Kim: Please, call me Kim. Oh, would you care for Ned's autograph?  (winks at her) He's kinda famous too.

Ned continues to smile, saying nothing, his eyes darting at the ginger starlet.

Boffin: Oh, would you, please? I loved you in 'Dexter's Lab'!

Unzipping Ned's trousers, Kim slips a hand inside...for as long as she's known him, he's always gone commando. Ned, his hand visibly shaking, takes the pen and scratches out a vaguely legible signature...Kim runs a fingertip down his pubic bone and onto the base of his shaft as he does so. None the wiser, the elated young woman says her thank yous and then disappears into the throng of photog assistants. Kim grins at him deviously, cocking an eyebrow as she wraps her fingers around Ned's now rock-hard shaft.

Kim: Now, what were you saying about multitasking?

Note: In case anyone is wondering, this story is roughly based on Gagala's 'Tale of Kiki Possible', specifically pages 28 thru 30.

Download it here.

Original Art by Gagala

Edits by Phillipthe2



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