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It's another typical weekday afternoon at the Jetson's residence, George having just returned home from a grueling three-hour shift at work.  Wanting a little snack before dinner time, he wanders into the kitchen, pressing a button on the Food-o-Matic.  The machine whirs and clunks, but nothing comes out.

George: (thinking) Great.  This thing always works for Jane.

Rosie, a toilet plunger in one hand and a feather duster in the other, wheels past without even acknowledging the patriarch of the house.

George: Rosie, have you seen Jane?

Rosie: Not my day to watch'er, Mr J.  Maybe she's...ohhh, I dunno...out shoppin' or something.  Ask Judy.

Rosie wheels away, off to clean something, leaving George to ride the moving floor to Judy's room.  The door swishing open to some new rock-n-roll band a-blaring, George catches an oblivious Judy in mid-undress. Wearing little but a pair of barely-there panties, the young blonde catches a glimpse of George in her Compu-mirror, staring at her derrière.  Quickly crossing her arms in front of her chest, she yells at his reflection in the mirror.

Judy: OMFG!  GET...  GET OUT!

George steps back, a slightly lecherous smirk on his face, letting the door whoosh shut.  Turning to Elroy's door across the hallway, he steps forward.  Sitting in front of a giant console computer, a pin-up style picture of Jane in a bikini on it's equally giant screen, Elroy swivels in his chair upon hearing the door open.

Elroy: Hey, pop, what's up?

George: (pointing at the computer screen) Nice one.  Listen, have you seen your mother anywhere?

Elroy: I think she went to take Astro for a walk.

George: Nope, I checked out on the treadmill.  She's not there.

Elroy: No, I mean...like, a real walk.  Like our ancestors use to do.

George: You mean, actual walking?  Without the transportation belt?  Out there?!  My god, what was she thinking!?

Several minutes later finds George in hysterics, on the videophone talking to the authorities.

George: ...and then she just left!  Out there!  To, literally, walk the dog...like..  Like some crazy person!

Police Officer: Alright, calm down, Mr Jetson.  I'm sure she's just fine.  We'll send a patrol out to do a fly-by.  In the meantime, take a stress pill and try to relax.

George: Th-thank you, Officer.  Oh gawd, I hope she's ok.

No sooner has George disconnected his call when the front door swishes open and in trots Astro, tail wagging.  Pulled along by Astro's leash, a somewhat disheveled-looking Jane appears through the doorway as well.  Flush-faced and dripping with perspiration, her clothing slightly askew, she gives the dog a pat on the head before unclasping his leash.

Jane: Mmm-hmm...  Goood boooy.

Astro: (as he trots past George) Roomorrow, Rane?

Jane gives Astro a unblushing half-smile to the affirmative before noticing George's ill-stricken look.

Jane: Oh, hello, dear.  I didn't see you there.  Did you have a good day at work?

George: Oh my god, where have you been, honey?!  I've been worried sick!  And the food thing is broken!  And I had to call the police!  And... And...  Uhhh, why are you sweating so much?

Jane: Uhhh, out walking Astro, obviously.  ...and it's hot outside.

George: Out there!?  With no ozone layer...and the smog...and the rising sea level...and the zombies?!

Jane: Ummm, there's a dog park on the roof, dear.

George: A...  A what now?

Sorry, can't link to it here.  Download it on Mega.

Original Sketch by Rage Grenade

Colors by Phillipthe2



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