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Update: Finished the story

The weekend brings all of the crowds.  All manner of freshly paid deviants willing to depart with their money for a few hours of drinks and debauchery as young women in various states of undress cater to their carnal needs.  Even Monday nights bring in a respectable crowd, though most of them just sit at the bar watching Monday Night Football.  Tuesday nights at Club 33, however, are just downright painful.

With exception to a couple of weary-looking truckers that have wandered in off the road, the nightclub is all but dead.  Knowing full-well that there is little money to be made, most of the tip-earning staff usually take the night off, leaving only a couple of diehard dancers to slog it out.  Standing up in the DJ booth Kim fights the urge to fall asleep, paying little attention as Liz lazily swings around the pole on center stage while entertaining a group of overly animated Japanese businessmen.

Wearing only a neon pink spandex tube top and matching workout shorts, Kim rests her elbows on the booth's mixing console, her eyes growing heavier and heavier by the minute.  Standing next to her, mostly to keep himself entertained, the DJ strums his fingers on her rump as he fiddles with his audio controls.  Watching her nod off, the DJ ceases strumming and gives Kim a couple of soft pats on the backside.

DJ: Wakey, wakey.  You're up next, Red.

Standing upright and arching her back, her arms raised above her head, Kim gives the DJ a comical-looking frowny face as she stretches.  Lowering her arms as she turns her back to the dance floor, the pink-clad redhead leans against the console, staring up at the black-painted ceiling.

Kim: Jesus, how'd I let Wade talk me into working Tuesdays.

DJ: Cuz' you like getting naked and shakin' that ass in front of perfect strangers.

Kim wrinkles her nose, this time looking at him with a no-so-comical frown.

Kim: Not for free, I don't.

Reaching over, a half-smirk on this face, the DJ hooks a finger into the waistband of Kim's shorts.  Craning his neck theatrically, he pulls the stretchy fabric outward just enough to catch a glimpse of her shaven mound.  Kim in turn gives him the same half-smirk, then playfully smacks the back of his hand.  Letting go of her waistband with a -snap-, the DJ raises his index finger to his chin in a contemplative gesture.

DJ: Hmmm.  I seem to remember you doing just that for a certain redheaded MILF...repeatedly.  And, oh yeah...  Let's not forget that dark-haired, green hottie.  Both gratuity-free as I recall.

Kim: Eh, well...that's different.

DJ: Yeah?  How so?

Mimicking the DJ, Kim hooks a finger into the man's skinny jeans and pulls.  Glancing down with a raised eyebrow, she cocks her head to one side in a pretended, dismissive manner.  Letting go of his belt line with a similar -snap-, she turns to step down out of the DJ booth, the corner of her mouth turned up in a mischievous half-smile.

Kim: Their dicks are bigger than yours.

DJ: Ouch!

Popping her hips as she walks across the club, Kim climbs onto the center stage to the hoots and hollers of several suit-clad Japanese businessmen.  Exchanging a look with Liz, her fellow ginger at the club, Kim pats her on the backside as they pass on the stairs.  As she reaches the top step, the music begins to play...The Vapors "Turning Japanese".  Turning, she gives the DJ a hateful look, then gets down to business.

DJ: (over the PA speakers) Ah-right, ah-right!  Let's give it up for the ravishing Miss Liz!  Next up on the center stage, it's a redheaded double-feature...put those hands together for the sekushī (sexy) Miss Kimberly!  Remember, gentlemen, these ladies work for tips and tips alone!

An hour, a half dozen laps dances, and uncountable amount of Ojigi (bowing) later, a rather disheveled looking Kim climbs back into the DJ booth.  One nipple peeking out over the top of her crooked tube top, her shorts pulled halfway up her butt cheeks, she clutches a huge, wadded up ball of currency against her chest...another similarly sized wad stuffed in her garter.

DJ: See?  Naked...shakin' that ass...  And now you're bankin'!

With an irritated expression, Kim holds the mass of paper out at arms length and then drops it at the DJ's feet.

Kim: The hell am I gonna do with a coupla hundred Japanese Yen in the middle of Colorado?  Knew I shoulda taken the night off.

Download them here and here.

Original Art by Gagala

Edits by Phillipthe2 




She looks AWESOME!!! Need pics of Ann maybe opposite