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**Update: Included said story.  :D

Having seemingly put all of his photographic blackmail and extortion schemes behind him, Elroy has opted to partake in more wholesome pursuits.  Or at least that's what he's lead George to believe.  As far as he knows, Elroy has changed rather dramatically...no longer interested in such lewd activities.

It's Saturday evening at the Jetson's residence as Jane sits in the living room, half-falling asleep as she watches a documentary about social media and other archaic forms of communication in the early 21st century.  Judy, in her room, rifling through her wardrobe-o-matic, tries to find something wear for a double date with a friend from school.  The ever-dutiful Rosie wheels around the kitchen, washing and putting away the evening's dinner dishes...by way of pushing a single button...while she watches the latest episode of Robot Bachelor on the kitchen's tele-viewer screen.

George on the other hand, wanders around the house looking for his briefcase, having been called in to work - on a Saturday- ...something about 'the button' being broken.  For someone in any other industry, now that the galactic government has instituted a mandatory nine-hour work week, working on a weekend is utterly unheard of.  They, however, don't work for Cosmo Spacely.

George: (yelling from the bedroom) Honey?  Have you seen my briefcase?

Jane: (half-asleep)  Huh? Wuzzit?  Did...  Did you look in the coat closet by the front door, dear?  That's wear Rosie usually puts it when you come home from work.

George: (thinking) The closet...of course.  I'm such an idiot.  (yelling across the house) Rosie!  Where's my briefcase!  Rosie?!

Rosie would have rolled her eyes, if she had any to roll, completely ignoring him as she continues to watch her program.  George thumps out of the bedroom and down the hall, muttering under his breath as he rides the moving floor.  Just as he reaches the closet, the front door wisps open and in glides Elroy, home from this weekly Space Cub* meeting.

George: Hey!  There's my little space cadet.  How was your meeting?

Elroy: Ehh, it was ok.  Arthur called me a 'scruffy-looking nerf herder'.**

George: And what'd you call him?

Elroy: A 'son of a Bantha'.

George: That's my boy.  Don't take any guff from that stuck-up rich kid.  Alright, well, go let your mother know your home.  I gotta go in to work for a coupla hours.

As Elroy rides the floor into the living room, George finally finds his briefcase and heads off to work.

George: I found it, Honey!  I'm headed to work now.  Should only be a coupla hours, but...  You know...  Don't wait up for me.

Jane: Alright, dear!  Go get that overtime.

George: Overtime.  From Cosmo Spacely?  Pffft!  Yeah, that'll be the day.

With a 'shoosh' of the front door, George is gone.  Elroy almost immediately drops the 'good little boy' persona in favor of...  Well, the personality of someone who has, with exception to Rosie, schtupped every female in the house on multiple occasions....and has the pictures to prove it.

Riding into the living room, Elroy finds Jane standing next to the couch fiddling with the tele-viewer remote, flipping through the channels to find something more interesting to watch.  Gliding in, he steps off the moving floor and silently steps up behind her.  Reaching up and under her skirt, he grabs a handful of her taut butt cheek and squeezes.  Startled, the remote flying out of her hand and landing on the coffee table with a clatter, Jane whips around, glaring at him.

Elroy: What's cookin', good lookin'?

Likewise, whenever George is out of the house, Jane too drops the 'doting wife' shtick in favor of...  Well, someone who routinely wears scant or, preferably, no clothing around the house and schtupes just about every delivery guy and repairman that rings the doorbell.  Of which, Elroy has pictures of as well.

Jane: Jeeezus, Elroy!  You scared the shit out of me!

Elroy: Sorry.  You know, I see that and... (gestures at her posterior) ...and I just gotta.

Smirking down at him, Jane strums her fingernail against the top of Elroy's scouting helmet.

Jane: (sarcastically) Go lose the uniform and get into your peejays, then come tell me how your Cub meeting went tonight.  It's almost bedtime, young man.

Elroy: Pajamas.  (rolls his eyes)  Yeah, right.

Jumping back onto the moving floor, Elroy rides down the hallway to his bedroom. Just before he reaches Judy's room he begins to rifle through his pockets.  Pulling our a gadget of his own design, he presses a button...the mag-lock on Judy's door unlocks and open whooshes the door.  Judy, still deciding on clothing options and wearing nothing but her usual pink leggings, covers her nether region with one hand, her other forearm covering her breasts.  Elroy waves and smiles, ogling her as he glides past.

This has gotten to be a routine of his.  At first, she would shriek and scream at him, but now...knowing full-well the sheer amount of blackmail material he has on her...now she begrudgingly bites her tongue.  Stifling the urge to flip him the bird, Judy puts on a faux smile as he passes, then wrinkles her nose when he disappears from sight.  At least he didn't come in this time....or take her picture.

Judy: (under her breath) Little, fuckin' perv.

A short while later, Elroy glides past Judy's door, headed back to the living room.  She isn't there, having quickly chosen something to wear and left the house a full hour before her date is supposed to start.  By her thinking, the less time she spends near him the less likely he is to...demand something.  And he's always demanding.

Dressed a vintage Spider-Ham t-shirt that comes down to his knees...and wearing little else...Elroy coasts into the living room.  Jane, also having relieved herself of most off her clothing, sits on the couch in nothing but her bra and panties.  Some softcore Cinemax flick plays on the telly.  Cinemax, still around since the 20th centruy is the last of the old movie channels, having ditched the regular movies long ago in favor of...

Elroy: "Co-ed Confidential".  That's a classic.

Jane: (eyeing his shirt) You been raiding Judy's wardrobe again?

Elroy gawps at her undersized undergarments, her areola clearly visible as her breasts practically spill of the top of the tight-fitting strapless bra.  Likewise, the front of her barely-there g-string does little to hide her labia, peaking out from either side of its minimal piece of fabric.

Elroy: (pointing, smiling mischievously) I was gonna ask you same thing.

Jane winks at him, patting the couch next to her.  Elroy hops up, her arm draping over his shoulders as he cozies up to her.  Craning his neck, he puckers his lips in an exaggerated manner.  As she leans over to kiss him, Elroy's hand instinctively ventures onto her lap, fingers poised to release her not-so private parts from their tiny prison.  Jane, however, pecks him on the cheek, looking down at him with an equally mischievous smile as she removes his hand from between her legs.

Jane: So, tell me about your Cub meeting.

Raising an eyebrow while squinting the opposite eye, Elroy looks up at her quizzically, not certain what her game is.

Elroy: Seriously?

Jane:  Uhhh, yes.  Did you learn anything?  Did you do anything fun or exciting?

Elroy: Ummmm...  We, uhhh...  You seriously wanna hear about that?

Purely exaggerating her every move, Jane scoots away from him across the long couch.  Laying down on her stomach, Jane arches her upper back while pushing her chest out.  Up on her elbows, she rests her chin on balled up fists, smiling as she stares at him intently.  Drawing her feet up, legs bent at the knee, Jane begins to swing them from side to side.  The total effect makes her look like an infatuated teenager, hanging on his every work.

As an added bonus, as if by design, her ample bosoms pop out of the ill-fitting brassiere as her shapely, perfectly rounded ass practically swallows her g-string.  Achieving the desired effect, she smirks, watches as Elroy's staff comes to full attention.  Almost comically, it raises the bottom of the t-shirt off his legs, a wet spot forming at it's peak.

Elroy: Alrighty!  Well, we...  Uhhh...  I...  I completely lost my train of thought.  Can you possibly make it any harder to concentrate?

Jane: (smiling deviously) Yes.  Yes I can.

Cocking her head to the side, Jane rests her cheek on one fist, her other hand slipping under Elroy's raised, ill-gotten t-shirt.  Elroy instantly tenses up, his fingernails digging into the couch cushion on either side of him as the redhead's fingers wrapping around the base of his fully engorged member. She can already feel his slick pre-come dribbling over her knuckles.

Elroy: Yep!  Mmmm-hmm!  Yes!  Yes you can!

Jane: Sooo?  About your meeting?

Elroy: Meeting...  Space Cubs.  Uh-huh!

Jane begins to slowly stroke his schlong.   Gliding upwards, reaching up the full twelve inches of his length, then methodically tightening her grip ever so slightly as she slips down his girthy rod, over and over again.  His mouth agape, Elroy's eyes glaze over, staring out into open space.

Jane: The meeting?

Elroy: Meeting.  Right.  We...  We're t-trying to g-get new...  Shoo!  New muh-merit badges.

Jane: Such as?

Jane pick up the pace.  Stoking him faster, griping him a little tighter, watching as Elroy's eyes begin to cross.

Elroy: Mmm...  Mmm-hmm!  Moon...

Jane:  Moon?  Okay?  Moon what...?

Elroy: Moon!  Moon rocks!  Cuh...cuhhh...  Collecting m-moon r-r-rocks!

Jane: Ooo!  Interesting!  What else?

Without missing a stroke, Jane slips off the couch.  Reaching behind her with her free hand, she unclasps her bra, the tight straps flinging to either side, her breast jiggling from their new-found freedom.  On her knees in front of him, she grasps his hip, pulling him down the back of the couch.  When his hips reach the edge of the couch, she flips his t-shirt up and out of the way.

His shaft sticking straight up in the air, Elroy brazenly smiles, certain that she is about to go down on him.  Instead, Jane slinks up to him, placing the enormous phallus between her breasts.  Cupping the side of either boob, she squeezes them around his shaft, arching her back to raise and lower herself, his helmet grazing the throat with every stroke.

Jane: So?  Moon rocks.  Geology.  Very nice.  What else?

Elroy: Ohhh, fuuu...  Ohh fuck!  Oh gawd, that's...

Jane: I appreciate your enthusiasm, but...  That's not an answer.

Lowering her chin to her throat and opening her mouth, Jane slips her lips around his head with every downward thrust, sucking hard on the upward thrust.  Elroy writhes and squirms, his eyes squinted shut, toes curling into fists.  Stopping just long enough, she asks him again.

Jane: C'mon.  What else?

Elroy: Knots!  Oh my fucking gawd!  Knots!

Jane: (while sucking) Nwahhsss?

Elroy: Knotttsss!  Ruh...  Ruh...  Ropes!   Tuh...  Tying!  HOLYSHHH!  Gonna...  Gonna...

Jane: Nwah-th Twi-hinng?

Elroy nods his head vigorously, bucking his hips upwards as Jane continues to suck and stroke him with her tits.  Seconds later a geyser of warm goo coats the back of Jane's throat.  Pulling her head back, a second, even larger stream jets out.  Pulling away it plasters her chin, across her lips, up the bridge of her nose, splattering across her cheeks, and pasting one eye shut.  A third, into her hair, landing on her shoulder, the remainder splattering across her breasts in crisscrossed patterns.

Letting go of her breasts, Jane jams a third of his length in her mouth, sucking and bobbing as Elroy continues to spasm and convulse, over and over again.  Gulping, fighting the urge to choke, for a full three minutes it never seems to end.  Finally, laying there shivering, his breath wavering and halting, Elroy lets out a long, ragged sigh.  Pulling off of him, sitting back on her heals, she's an absolute mess...from the top of her head to the front of her thighs, absolutely covered in Elroy's pearlescent seed.

Elroy blinks repeatedly, awe-struck at the mess he's made of her.  She, however, is unconcerned with her appearance.  Her interest peaked, smiling excitedly, almost beaming, she queries Elroy.

Jane: Ooooo!  Knot tying!  Tell me more about that!

*Space Cubs are the Jetson's version of the Cub Scouts.

** Arthur Spacely is the young son of Cosmo and Stella Spacely, a fellow member of Space Cubs Troop 54.

Original Art by Hackman23

Colors by Phillipthe2




I love Jane!!