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Long story made short, I entered into Spectre058's short story wraffle (drop the 'w') on twitter a couple of days ago...and won.  :D

The premise was pretty simple: I give him a prompt (basically a couple of characters and simple scenario) and he writes a 1000-word short story.  A bit on the cryptic side, but my prompt was this:

Peg, Miss Pennypacker, and Goofy...spawning from that pic. All three, in Goofy's kitchen, slightly drunk, are all down to their last undergarment...Peg in pantyhose, Miss P in a old fashion slip, and Goofy (for comedic effect) in his socks. The winner gets to tell the other two what to do to one another...and eventually participate.

...and of course provided a reference picture by Dbaru.

And here's what he came up with: 

Miss Pennypacker had come to the house to discuss something about Max’s performance at school. Peg had followed her more out of boredom than any actual need to be there. How that combination of events had led them to now still completely eluded Goofy. Much like the rules of this game.

Taking another sip of the wine Peg had brought he wrapped his knuckles on the table. “Hit me!”

Miss Pennypacker peeled another card off the deck and slid it towards him. Goofy inspected it closely, trying to use the opportunity to ogle his neighbor without being obvious. He was about as successful at that as he was at the game. Peg smirked, hiccuped, and shifted to give him a slightly better view of the breasts she was currently holding against herself with one hand. Her shirt was on the table, directly beneath her bra. She quirked an eyebrow at him. “Are you hitting again? Or you gonna stay?”

Oh! Right! He inspected his cards again. They were red. “Go fish?”

Peg rolled her eyes. “Goofy busts. Again. I’m gonna stay. 20. What you got Ms. P?”

Still mostly lost, Goofy looked towards the teacher to see which cards she had, and promptly got lost trying not to look down the front of the plain white silk slip that was now all she was wearing. She didn’t display the same way Peg had, but neither did she shy away from his look. Instead she simply flipped her cards over. “18.”

“Which means Goofy loses. Come on big boy, pass them over!” Peg’s excitement was obvious.

Blushing furiously, Goofy pushed back from the table, rose from his seat, and hooked his thumbs in his boxer’s waistband.

“Wait,” Miss P squeaked, “he still has his-”

“Sush!” Peg hissed, “I wanna see this!”

Goofy finished removing his boxers, and blushing furiously, tossed them onto the table to join his shirt, his belt, his pants, and his tie. Peg wolf whistled. “Very nice, Goofy! I had no idea you were packing!”

“Gorsh. Thanks.” Still blushing he took a step back towards his chair, almost immediately slipped as his socked feet slid along the tile floor. One arm flailing skid later he landed back in the seat, one leg somehow up over the arm. It took him a few tries to get untangled, his penis on display the whole time. By the time he was finally back in his seat, Peg was visibly flushed. In the third seat at the table, Miss Pennypacker cleared her throat. “I believe we may wish to, um, raise the stakes?”

Peg shook her head and looked at the teacher. “What you thinking?”

“Since Goofy is, ehm, down to his last bet. Perhaps we offer him something else he can bet with?”

“Such as?” Peg was grinning ear to ear now.

“Perhaps the losers of the next round should have to do something for the winner? Perform some sort of... activity… or task?”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea. Goofy?”

He looked back and forth at the two mostly naked women sitting at his kitchen table, and even he wasn’t dense enough to miss the implications there. “Okie-dokie!”

Miss P collected the cards again, shuffled and dealt again. Goofy examined his cards. They were black this time. He put them down. “I’ll stay?”

“Good call.” Peg smirked.


“You left them face up.”

“Oh. Hyuck!” He started to turn them face down.

“Don’t bother.” Peg laughed, tossing her cards into the middle. “That’s Blackjack.”

He looked at his cards again.“It’s what?”

“It means you win.” Miss P said, discarding her own cards.

“Congratulations Goofy, you’ve got two half naked women in your kitchen who have to do whatever you tell us to do.” Peg let the arm she’d been using to hold up her breasts fall to rest on the table. “So tell us. What are we gonna do to, I mean for, you?”

For several seconds, the only thing Goofy could think of was, he hadn’t finished the dishes yet… Then an oft ignored part of him, pushed its way into the driver's seat. His blush returned, and he fumbled with his words for a moment before blurting out. “Can you, hyuck, kiss?”

“Kiss each other?” Peg asked, her smile absolutely wicked, “Or you?”

“Yes,” Miss Pennypacker added, “it’s very important to be specific in such things.”

“I… ah… um…” His tongue got all twisted over itself.

“If you’re not specific,” Miss P climbed out of her chair and up onto the table, advancing on all fours, “it leaves the request open to different interpretations.” She stopped directly in front of Goofy, leaning forward until her lips were inches from his. “And you never know what the other person is going to do.”

Closing his eyes, he puckered his lips, leaning forward himself. A moment later his eyes flew back open as instead of kissing his lips, Miss P planted a big wet one right on the head of his penis. It reacted immediately, swelling beneath her lips, almost immediately doubling in size. On the other side of the table, Peg burst out laughing.

“Your face!” She chortled, supporting herself on the table for a moment. Still smiling, she slapped Miss P’s ass. “You’re bad! I like you!”

“You’re one to talk. Who was it who suggested we play strip blackjack again?” Head still in Goofy’s lap, Miss P wiggled her hips at Peg. “Now, I believe Goofy asked for some kissing. I’ve got him covered…”

“He did, didn’t he.” Peg hooked her thumbs under the hem of Miss P’s slip, pushing it up to reveal that under the simple undergarment she wore a truly provocative pair of panties. Taking their band in her teeth, Peg pulled them down, nose brushing over pink lips as she revealed them. Smiling, she pressed a big kiss of her own against them. “I think we’re gonna be great friends.”

Goofy swallowed. He should play cards more often.



Congrats again on your win and thanks for a neat story concept!


Awesome story ...pt 2 coming soon