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**Update: Story is completed**

I commission this just before New Years and it was actually completed in January, but...  Yeah, I kept flaking on writing the story for so long that Barnabie Bunny released it before I had a chance to finish.  So, seeing as it's already out there on the infotainmentwebnet, everybody gets it in 8K.  :D

It's the next morning as Cass stirs in her bed, the mid morning sun shining through the windows.  Naked, save for a leather dog collar around her neck and a matching set of cuffs at her wrists and ankles, she lays across the width of the bed, her arms and legs dangling off either side.  Reaching over, she grabs a pillow, flopping it onto her head to block the light....all of the covers having been kicked onto the floor long ago.

Hearing what she assumes is Honey stirring nearby, Cass pats the bed next to her in an attempt to rouse the skinny, young blonde.  Honey, however, has long since gotten up and left.  Not only does she have a job at the cafe in the evenings, but she's also a full-time student during the day.

Cass: Ah'ight, naughty girl, time for you tuh get movin'.

Baymax: Miss Lemon departed the domicile three hours and forty-six minutes ago.


Cass flails wildly, flinging the pillow towards the voice as she attempts to clamber up the bed.  Reaching the headboard, bug-eyed with fear, she grabs the nearest solid object, brandishing it in front of her as a weapon.  Baymax, having stood motionless at the foot of the bed for several hours, makes no attempt to stop the pillow as it hits him in face.

Baymax: Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion.  You have an excessively elevated heart rate and you appear to be experiencing extreme anxiety.

Confused and wide-eyed, Cass simply blinks at the giant, white, balloon-figure standing at the foot of the bed.

Baymax: Additionally, you seem to be suffering from mild dehydration due to many hours of physical exertion.  May I get you a glass of water?

Cass, finally realizing that Baymax is not a threat, glances at her chosen 'weapon'.  Blushing, she suddenly jerks the dildo behind her back, half-grinning in embarrassment.  After sheepishly nodding her head, an unphased Baymax turns and lumbers out of the room.  Pulling the device from behind her back, Cass rolls her eyes and shakes her head, tossing the sex toy onto the nightstand.

Sliding her legs off the edge of the bed, Cass grabs a random t-shirt off the lamp shade next to the bed.  Tossing it onto the bed, she turns to survey the rest of her surroundings.  All manner of sex toys, half-used bottles of lubricant, and clothing lay scattered about the room.  A feather boa, stuck in the ceiling fan, rotates round and round above her.  

As she recollects some of the previous nights escapades, Baymax shuffles through the doorway.  Rounding the bedpost, he stops directly in front of her and hands her a glass of water.  As she reaches for the glass and begins to take a sip, Baymax swings his free arm forward.  Oversized and vigorously vibrating digits slip between her legs, pressing against her clitoris.  Shocked by the intrusion, Cass suddenly spit-takes water all over Baymax.

Baymax: Sexual stimulation can release tension and promote positive neurotransmitters.  Shall I continue?

Cass makes a half-heartedly attempts to grab Baymax's arm in protest, dropping the glass in the process.  But...yeah...it feels too good to even think about stopping him.  Clamping her legs shut around the balloon-like arm, she leans forward, resting her side of her face against Baymax's chest.  A wavering moan escapes her, her eyes fluttering.

Baymax: Please acknowledge your willingness to continue this course of treatment.

Nodding furiously, Cass wraps her arms around Baymax's waist, grasping handfuls of his fabric skin.  One digit still against her clitoris, another slips between her already sopping wet labia, pressing into her.  Cass's entire body quivers and contorts, the oversized extremity growing in both length and girth as it instantly begins to fill every ripple and void inside her.

Baymax, almost thoughtfully (as he's programmed to do so), cups his other hand around the back of her head.  Cass's eyes roll into the back of her head, only a tiny sliver of her iris is visible as the vibrating balloon finger expands and contracts inside her.  Her breath coming in short, halting gasps, she can already feels a monstrous climax welling up inside her.

Baymax: On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your level of arousal?


Cass practically bursts Baymax's fabric skin, digging her fingernails into his hips as wave after uncontrollable wave of pleasure courses through her entire body.

Baymax: Very well.  I shall continue with this course of treatment.  Please note that I cannot discontinue treatment unless you say you're satisfied with your care.

Drooling all over the front of Baymax, her fluids running down the backs of her calves, Cass feebly raises a finger in acknowledgement.  It occurred to her that she may not be able to speak coherently should need arise...not that she wanted him to stop any time soon.

Original Art by MyBadBunny

Commissioned by Phillipthe2



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