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Roll the clocks back to 2011 and...  Yeah, these gawd awful, blurry, hacked together work files were leftovers from the fourth or fifth thing of Gagala's I'd even edited. I can't recall why the KiGoMo version came to be, but in it's original form they were in Kim's bedroom.  The original premise was something along the lines of Shego inquiring "I thought anything was possible for a Possible?"....with Monique looking on for whatever reason.  I dunno...I can't remember.  It wasn't like it was eleven years ago or anything.  :P

Download them here here and here.

Original Art by Gagala

Edits by Phillipthe2



Robert B.

What..., you can't remember details that you probably weren't paying that much attention to in the first place from eleven years ago? Well hell that just makes you, uhh..., normal. :-P

Robert B.

Something about remembering things and old age, I think, I don't remember now, I must be getting old.

Robert B.

I must be getting old it's getting harder to remember things. :-|. By the way how you doing lately, it's been a while since we talked last, hasn't it? >.<