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Deep in the bowels of Edna Mode's secret laboratory, Helen stands behind a dressing screen trying on a new super suit design.  Edna, having many minions to model her designs at her disposal, doesn't really need Helen per say.  She does, however, have ulterior motives.

Helen: Wow, you've really outdone yourself this time, Edna.  Aside from the boots and gloves, this new form-fitting suit feels like I'm not wearing anything at all.  But, uhhh...

Edna: But, nothing.  Come, come.  Let us see, darling!

Helen: Ummm, I think there's something wrong with it.

Staring up at the ceiling as to avoid eye contact, Helen steps from behind the screen.  Wearing little but a pair of black latex opera gloves and matching thigh-high boots, Helen blushes a deeps shade of crimson.

Helen: I...  I think it's broken.  Is there like, a gizmo...or a remote...or some kind of button to push?  I thought the purpose of an invisibility suit was to make -me- invisible?

Holding her chin with her thumb and forefinger in a contemplative gesture, Edna paces around Helen.

Edna: Hmmm...

See what Edna is contemplating and read the rest of the (short) story at the $5 tier level.  :D

Original Sketch by Roger Bacon

Colors and Edits by Philllipthe2



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