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**Update**  Finally finished the story.  Only took two months.  :P :D

After watching Roxy collapse into a quivering pile atop PJ,  Peg gives her a quick pat on the backside and then collects up her clothing. Reaching down, she plucks her straw hat off of Roxy’s head and places it on her own, flicking the brim downward with her fingertip.  Peg gives PJ a little ‘air kiss’ and then struts toward the curtained entrance with a certain haughty swagger in her step.

Wriggling back into her tiny shorts and tee-shirt, she retrieves her cash.  Reaching to pull the curtain aside, the cloth partition wrenches open, startling her.  The huge bouncer stands before her holding Max up by the back of his shirt collar, his feet barely touching the floor.  Still in his ‘disguise’, Max waves and gives her with an embarrassed smile.

Max: Hey, Missus Pete.

Bouncer: You know ‘dis kid, Missus P?

Peg: (annoyed, rolling her eyes) Urgh.  What’d you do now, Maxie?

Max: Nuh...  Nothing!  I just got one, little lap dance.

Bouncer: ...and then asked for a refund.

Max: Worst lap dance, ever.

Peg motions for the bouncer to put Max down, pursing her lips and giving the huge man an upwards head nod as if to say 'I got this'.  The bouncer immediately lets him go, grimacing and holding his finger up as if he'd just touched something dirty.  Max in turn, looks over his shoulder and gives him a dirty look.

Turning back towards Peg, Max reaches up and pops his collar.  Unimpressed, she gestures over her shoulder with her thumb towards the private lounge.

Peg: Get your ass in there, 'Indiana'.

Max: Yes'em.

Peg: ...and don't your dare come outta there, young man.  I got one more set and then I'm takin' you home.

Max: Awww yeaaah!

Peg: To your father.

Max: Awww maaan.

Having forgotten that PJ and his ex-girlfriend are in the private lounge, Max skulks past Peg and into the darkened room.  Knowing the boy and his usual tendencies, it won't be long until he's gotten past the awkwardness of seeing PJ gettin' in on with his ex...and then probably talk them into letting him join in.

Bouncer: I'm surprise he didn't try tuh pay 'er wit' Monopoly money.

Peg: Thanks, big guy.  I owe you one.

The giant bouncer looks down at her and then cocks his head to one side.  With a raised eyebrow and a devious smirk, he eyes her from head to toe -pauses- and then, with a downward nod of his head, gestures towards his crotch.  Peg's eyes follow his gesture down.

Bouncer: I think you meant 'I owe you twice'.  I'm gonna have tuh start chargin' you interest.

Peg, having never really been into jocks and big, oafish bruisers, can't help but to notice the large bulge in the bouncer's slacks.  She's seen and had bigger, but...much to her delight...she does in fact prefer the ones that are 'just the right size'.  Twice now, no thanks to Max and PJ, he's been the only thing between her and collecting an unemployment pension.  She definitely owes him, he's definitely the 'right size', and...having helped Roxy to a satisfactory conclusion...she's definitely in the mood.

With all of the skill of a seasoned pro, Peg looks up at him, eyes half-closed while biting the corner of her lower lip.  In this line of business getting men to do what she wants is second nature. Reaching up, she runs her index finger between his sculpted pecks and down his washboard abs.  The corner of her mouth upturned in a wry smile, she hooks her finger into the big palooka's waistband.

Peg: You wanna put me on an installment plan…or just give it to me in one lump sum?

The bouncer, however, is no stranger to women throwing their feminine wiles at him to get what they want…he does work in a strip club after all.  Normally he tries to keep his relations with the younger (and usually emotionally inexperience and/or damaged) dancers to a strictly professional, albeit flirty, basis. The occasional hummer in the parking lot is one thing, but It isn’t very often that one has the opportunity to get with a mature, middle aged, experienced, and uber hot milf in this line of business.

Bouncer: You sure yuh got enough assets to handle that large of a deposit?

Peg pulls the bouncer’s waistband towards her, pursing her lips as she cranes her neck, peering into his pants inquisitively.  Satisfied with what she sees, she let’s the bouncer’s belt line go with a ’snap’.  Knowing that the club manager has already gone home for the night, leaving his office unoccupied, she smiles up at the hulking figure.

Peg: Be in the manager’s office in five minutes and I’ll let you see how well-rounded my portfolio really is.

Four minutes later and Peg is already in the office, having stopped in the dressing room to change out of her skimpy ’farmers daughter’ outfit and into something that leaves even less to the imagination.  She only has thirty minutes until her last set starts.  As much as she appreciates a good drilling from some young piece of beefcake, the more times she spends in here the less money she makes out there.

With ten seconds to spare, the bouncer opens the office door and a looks inside.  He’s greeted by Peg, wearing a pair of rouge-colored high heels and matching thigh-high stockings.  Otherwise, the only other she's wearing is a smile.  Standing, bent at the waist, her elbows resting on the desktop, she peers over her shoulder with a wanton half-smirk.  Arching her back and wiggling her hips from side to side provocatively, the bouncer watches as Peg‘s butt cheeks jiggle back and forth.

Peg: Do my ‘assets’ meet the lenders approval?

After a grin of approval and a quick glance down the hallway, the bouncer slips into the office and locks the door.  Two minutes later and...save for a pair of black, crew-length socks...he's completely naked.  Looking back at his gym-sculpted body Peg comes to the realization that she may have to re-think her stance on muscle-bound jocks and the like.  She could easily get use to fucking a body like that.

Wasting no time, the bouncer steps behind her, one hand grabbing her by the hip, the other guiding his rock solid shaft towards Peg's already sopping wet labia.  Doing her best to keep from tensing up, half-expecting him to simply jam it into her, Peg is actually pleasantly surprised.  Pressing his manhood against her, letting her grow accustomed to his size, he ever so gently presses his helmet past her lips.

Pulling his head in and out of her, over and over, Peg lets out a whimper and an all-over shiver of delight.  Teasing her, he pushes in half of his length, causing her squeal with glee, then abruptly returns to pulling his head in and out of her.  Again and again, he repeats his little tease, each and every time plunging a little further into her.

Just when she's about to tell him to stop tormenting her, Peg let's out a low, stuttering moan.  The the base of his rod contacts her now pulsing labia.  Her knees weaken, her arms failing her, it takes every bit of concentration to keep from collapsing onto the desk.

Thinking that her torment is over, the giant bouncer begins to plunge his entire length into her, his thighs slapping the back of her's with every thrust.  He has just the right amount of length and a slight curve to his rod that, with every single wet slap, he reaches her g-spot.

Peg:  Ho' my...  Ho' my gawd!  Ho' my fucking GAWD!   R..  Right... RIGHT THERE!

Harder and harder, the bouncer slams into her. Her back ram-rod straight, she takes every single blow full-force.  Peg's ass cheeks undulate and quiver, her breasts oscillating and heaving.  Crying out for release, her eyes squinted tightly shut, Peg begins to shake all over.  Her toes curling so hard they begin to cramp up.  Balling her fists, she digs her fingernails into the palms of her hands.

Finally!  With one long, wavering, high pitched exhale Peg explodes in ecstasy.  Writhing, unable to speak of make a single sound, lights dancing in her peripheral vision as wave after shivering wave of pleasure courses through her.

All but reduced to trembling, sweat drenched heap, Peg lays spread eagle across the desk, too tired to move.  So focused on herself, she hadn't even noticed that the man-hunk had come inside her long ago...come spattered across her ass, pooling in the small of her back, and oozing down her inner thighs.

Peg: Sh...shh...shit.  Gonna miss my last s-ss-set.

Bouncer: Heh.

Peg: Wuz...  Wuz so funny?

Bouncer: The club closed an hour ago.

Peg blinks repeatedly, trying to focus.  A little shiver escapes her as the bouncer finally pulls out.

Bouncer: Oh... by the way.  Unless you wanna go in arrears...

The bouncer smirks and then, as an afterthought, smacks her on the ass.

Bouncer: ...you still owe me one.

Original Art by Chancero

Colors by Phillipthe2



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