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First off, thanks for all of the birthday wishes, the fabulous artwork, and a little bedtime story.  :D  Fifty one + one feels much the same as fifty + one in case you're wondering.  :P

  • I found an artist that does some really spot-on Nina and the Lifeguard from Lilo and Stitch's.  Lineart to follow tomorrow and I debating on writing a (very short) story for the finished piece.  Always been and huge Chris Sanders fanboy.
  • Way back in '19 I commish'd and colored Mina Van Draco, an OC courtesy of Nafyotoon.  I commish'd another one of her and am done with the lineart...colors to follow. I don't do very many OCs, but...yeah...occasionally I glom onto one or two.
  • Cheater Part 3 with Blondie is done, but I still need to finish writing the story.  Lineart is coming out at the end of this week.
  • Another sketch of the Job Applicant from Ducktales caught my eye.  Likewise, lineart is done and coming out this week.  No story needed for the finished piece...it's pretty self explanatory.
  • Dexter's Mom from Roger Bacon is 90% done.  No story...just a one-off.
  • Home Movies Part 17 is (still) waiting on me to finish the story.
  • Wrong Possible Part 8 is done...again, waiting on me to finish the story.

Needless to say, my plate is a little full.  Real work has been kinda hell-ish the past couple of months.  I've been averaging 60-hour work weeks, flip-flopped the graveyard shift for a month last month, and pulled a couple of 18-hour days this past week...leaving me almost zero time for extracurricular activities. With that said (if it wasn't overly obvious) this coming week will be nothing but lineart posts so I can finish a couple of the (long overdue) stories.


Robert B.

No worries. Do what ya gotta do for the family first, we'll be here when you get time for the art. It's always worth waiting for anyway.