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Up until recently I was unaware that those in the $5 and above tiers could not see the $1 level posts.  Apparently I had been posting the $1 level stuff as "patrons only" and not specifically in the $1 tier, thus making them invisible to everyone else....because I'm an idiot.  After a days worth of back-tracking and updating posts dating to 2015, it seems to be fixed.

Additionally, I'm going back and deleting most of the older update, non-image related, and "in the works" posts.  Most of them aren't relevant anymore and just add to endless amount of scrolling you already have to do on this site.  At least they finally added a post search function...that only took five years. *rolls eyes*

As I start deleting those older posts I'm sure I will find plenty of images (mostly sketches and lineart) that were not posted to any specific tier.  I'm going to try to refrain from re-posting any I find since they should already be on the Mega account.  I may however, find a few odd-balls that aren't, so don't be surprised if you see a few new posts with really ancient content.


Robert B.

Sounds like a lot of work, thank you. As to the WIPs perhaps you could create a separate file or folder to put them all in for those that want to look at or scroll through. Just a thought. Thanks for the efforts.


Turns out there was only one that wasn't already on Mega, so...yeah. On the upside, found a few alt's that hadn't been posted.