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Did I mention something about it looking rather barren underneath the Christmas tree this year?

Well, 30-some-odd new patrons and boat load of people upping there levels later, and Santa is gonna have a sack-full of presents when he comes down the chimney tonight.  Santa has nobody to thank except....ALL OF YOU!

The wife and I stopped putting up a regular Christmas tree years ago...doggo(s) and gato(s) love destroying them...and instead put my "Charlie Brown" tree (one of those 2-foot-tall, pre-lighted ones) on the dining room table on Christmas eve.  I just haven't gotten off my duff and retrieved it from the attic quite yet.  I'll probably do that while the daughter, wife and mom-in-law are out shopping for last minute stocking stuffers today.  Santa's stash is currently hidden in his bedroom closet...lest the three-year-old granddaughter find 'em.

In other news: the job search continues.  Plenty of online resumes thrown around the private sector and a few dozen trees killed for the city and county jobs...because why wouldn't these "green" municipalities not still use paper job applications?  No hits yet, but I'm not really expecting anything until the new year anyway.  It may be "the most wonderful time of the year"...but not for job hunting.

Yes, I did file for state unemployment too.  My first time...and ohhhh what a wonderful and joyful experience that was.  Keeping in mind that I've never applied for any sort of assistance (financial or otherwise), I would rather sleep on a bed of rusty nails or get another root canal rather than go through that process again.  To the state's credit, unlike most of the local government sites, they have at least stepped into the 21th century...the first decade, but not necessarily the second.

At any rate, again, thanks to ALL OF YOU who came through for me.  I really, genuinely do appreciate all of your support and kinda words.






Merry Christmas, Buddy, I wish you all the best and will keep my fingers crossed for you to get a new job soon! Thank you very much for your so very generous support of mine and all of your great help! You make such wonderful artworks out of my dull work files, you are a great artist, carry on with that, never stop! [Bear hug!]

Robert B.

Well I glad things are looking good for Christmas and hope the New Year turns out well too. Merry Christmas to all, my friend.