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I don't think I've ever re-colored an edit of an edit before.  If anybody knows who did the original (which I think was fully clothed), let me know.  She's seems very annoyed by my logo.  :D

Original Art by Unknown

Colors by Phillipthe2 



Robert B.

She looks great, but unfortunately her pose looks like most all the other art work of her which usually means no signature or logo, no credit. I hate that part too because sometimes it's a great piece of artwork and I'd like to see or find more of the artist's work but I can't because there is no follow up. By the way, that's how I found your work as well as Gagala and Karmagik's, and now a days most Patreon artists too, although Patreon itself doesn't make it easy to find y'all. Thanks for the art.


I've seen the original version (which was fully clothed), but I'll be damned if I can find it. I though it was a Roger Bacon, but alas the only fully clothed ver of her that he did....I colored years ago. Hopefully, when I post it elsewhere, somebody'll recognize it and clue me in...or they'll just give me the "hot" / "dat ass" comments as per usual. I really don't like not giving original artist credit.

Robert B.

Alas, sometimes it's just not possible, either no one knows or its been reposted so much or just lost in time or the artist is no longer around to claim it. It's just hard to tell. Hopefully the original artist will see it and claim it. In the meantime you've done your best to find out.