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As it says on the tin! What would you like to have written up from my other stories? Multiple votes are allowed! I have decided not to do another chapter of Hard Enough this month.

Oobleck into HP - I'd probably have him taking part like I did in the SV snippets where he would be born to be a bit older than the Marauders era.   

Battlemaster - a soul is reborn into a fantasy world while possessing a rather demanding LITRPG system for himself. He has lots of time to grow having been reborn as an Elf, but a young soul can only chafe at the slow elf life. He wants more, he wants adventure!  

Gamer Pyrrha SI - RWBY - As it says! Insert into Pyrrha during her early life. She's not the champion known as the Invincible Girl. Yet. She has a long road until her canonical appearance but she's going to be strong when her time comes.  

Count your blessings! - A Xinxia world is one where strength matters. Strength can come in many forms, body, mind, connections, techniques and heritage. Some people can be born into all of these. Those are the fortunate sons and daughters of Dremedia, a world where conflict is so close at hand. Xuan has been reborn into this world with none of these advantages but knowledge of a past life of pacificism as a health worker. Perhaps he will have a fortuitous encounter and rise to power, or perhaps he will fall into the depths of depravity. Who knows?

Red Riot - Uzumaki SI into Kirigakure - The Bloody Mist Village. the Demon of the Mist hasn't yet gone through the academy. there has to be a better way... sadly in this world, the weak are devoured by the strong. To have any say in the future the SI must become strong. A not-so-easy task in Kiri...

Voidhop - An alien finds a ship that is a pre-dawn war but ends up crashing it on a medieval world. Now he must deal with a Demon Lady and her henchmen.

The vote will end Saturday in a week's time!


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