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Hello Patreons. I have noticed that we have reached a goal that I set a few months ago, which was like 2 months into posting chapters of Hard Enough.

If you've been paying attention to such things, you know that I assigned $3,000 as an arbitrary number that is a not insignificant amount relevant to my current earnings. I did not expect the amount of support that I have received, nor the space of time it would take to reach this point. It has been much shorter than I anticipated.

So, first of all.

Thank you so very, very much for your support! Being able to continue writing and get financial benefits from it means a lot to me, as it has made things a lot easier. I think I still enjoy writing just as much as I did when I was doing the crazy death slogs of my old NNT quest on QQ. (This giant piece of writing is the main reason this is a pokemon story, not Red Riot. I found it easier to go to a different story than continue to grind at Naruto.)

Secondly, I have raised the idea of dropping some day/s of work with what I currently do to pursue writing.


And no.

That won't be happening as... Well, she doesn't really understand or really think it's viable... Which... Yeah, I can somewhat understand her point of view as it's not a real job but I have shown her that I am earning from the work I put together but she doesn't think it is worth it and she wants me to stick with my current employment.

The good news that sort of causes this is that we're expecting our first child next year and having proof of income for things like buying a larger house, or new car is dependent on fixed incomes. One potential shining light is that eventually I am to be the one looking to stay at home and look after the baby so I might have time then between baby wrangling?

The support I have received from you all as Patreons has honestly been outstanding and has made a big difference in how I am freer in options and more confident in certain aspects of my life.

I said I would try and go to 1 solid day of writing a week and I'm sorry to say that that won't be happening. I will have to stick with the current release schedule of 2 chapters of Hard Enough, and 1 chapter of that Patreons vote for. I still want to write up some original stories and am toying with the idea of smaller chapters that some people use on other sites that are more manageable bite-sized doses but it's all about finding the time.

So I will have to confirm that I can't increase the amount of writing I do as yet. My circumstances will change sometime next year and I might even be writing less due to the baby. That is 6 months away as yet but I thought it pertinent for you to know what my circumstances are and will be. 

I can only say, I'm sorry I can't write more as I enjoy it tons and there is a lot of satisfaction when I get chapters finished or am even mid-writing. I will aim to continue to do so, so don't fear that!

Once again thanks for your support and I hope you continue to enjoy what I will be writing!

TLDR: (This is very tongue in cheek) Viva can't follow through on his 2nd goal set of getting increased writing times IRL situation is not going to allow for it. Will continue to write at the current schedule and will continue to attempt OG stories that might be meh quality. Viva gives love for fans. 


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