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What should be released next month (July)?

  • Oobleck isekai into HP world (RWBY/HP) 33
  • Voidhop (OC Science-fiction) 7
  • Magester (OC Early 1900's world with magic!) 8
  • Wondercity (OC - Anthropomorphized animals in a wild city, then along comes Alice) 2
  • Class Room Summons as a Parent (OC standard classroom summon to Fantasy world with twist) 9
  • Gamer Pyrrha SI (RWBY) 38
  • Troll - Wow/Worm Cross over 16
  • Birds of a Feather - DxD as Raviel Phenix (Riser's father) 58
  • Red Riot - Uzumaki SI into Kirigakure (Naruto) 89
  • Fallen Ranger - A defeated Power ranger team...one remains 17
  • 2022-06-10
  • 277 votes
{'title': 'What should be released next month (July)?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Oobleck isekai into HP world (RWBY/HP)', 'votes': 33}, {'text': 'Voidhop (OC Science-fiction)', 'votes': 7}, {'text': "Magester (OC Early 1900's world with magic!)", 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Wondercity (OC - Anthropomorphized animals in a wild city, then along comes Alice)', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Class Room Summons as a Parent (OC standard classroom summon to Fantasy world with twist)', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Gamer Pyrrha SI (RWBY)', 'votes': 38}, {'text': 'Troll - Wow/Worm Cross over', 'votes': 16}, {'text': " Birds of a Feather - DxD as Raviel Phenix (Riser's father)", 'votes': 58}, {'text': ' Red Riot - Uzumaki SI into Kirigakure (Naruto)', 'votes': 89}, {'text': 'Fallen Ranger - A defeated Power ranger team...one remains', 'votes': 17}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 10, 10, 36, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 277}


This month's chapter for the 'Fan's choice was Red Riot - an Uzumaki SI into Kirigakure.

Now, as asked for previously, here are the options you can vote for with some more context.

Oobleck into HP - I'd probably have him taking part like I did in the SV snippets where he would be born to be a bit older than the Marauders era. 

Voidhop - An alien finds a ship that is a pre dawn war but ends up crashing it on a medieval world. Now he must deal with a Demon Lady and her henchmen.

Magester - A mishmash of Prohibition, WW1&2 Time periods. One of the MC's has magic, but magic is rare and typically the domain of the rich from the 'old world'

Wondercity - Jack 'Rabbit' is a detective that prowls the city and solves crimes while struggling with his demons. Then he comes across a crime scene that harkens back to his past. There's only one survivor, a small human child.

Class Room Summons - Instead of being the children of the classroom. the MC for this story had already reincarnated into the 'normal' world only to stumble into the isekai trope of 'a classroom' is summoned! Sadly they also snagged the Principal, VP, and P.E Teacher!

Gamer Pyrrha SI - RWBY - As it says! Insert into Pyrrha during her early life. She's not the champion. yet. She has a long road until her canonical appearance but she's going to be strong when her time comes.

Troll - Wow/Worm crossover - An Oc that is Skidmark's younger brother has the powers of a Druid. He could be such a force for good... if he was irreverent and trying to sort out his brother...

Birds of a Feather - DxD Si - Pre Devil Civil war insertion into what is supposed to be Riser and Ravel's father. He has a long, long time before Canon appears. Very lewd.

Red Riot - Uzumaki SI into Kirigakure - The Bloody mist Village. the Demon of the Mist hasn't yet gone through the academy. there has to be a better way... sadly in this world, the weak are devoured by the strong. To have any say in the future the SI must become strong. A not-so-easy task in Kiri...

Fallen Ranger - Lucas had been the best fighter of his group when Lord Faros selected them. They'd overcome so much. They'd grown-p together kicking butt and evading the 'Suits' that wanted nothing good for them. things had been golden... until... until they lost... they... He lost so much that day. Now only he remains fighting against the Darkness. He's the Last Ranger left against what seems a never-ending roster of foes with so very few people to turn to for help...


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