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“Tis a queer thing to see you training the staff so violently my son,” commented my mother. She twirled the umbrella even though she rested in the shade.  From her she got to watch as I touseled with five men in my training unit. I made sure to work fast-firing magic into the mix and if they didn’t try and pressure me I used wide area of effect magical fire to punish them. It was more for show than actual injury but the point stood as people stood recording the ‘injuries’ they sustained.

I wasn’t crazy enough to actually do a full contact spar for them. It might not have been as ‘hardcore’ but I and the people that I trained with noticed the results.

I also ‘died’ at least five times a training session.

My neck bled flame and I made a sign. The distraction of my mother speaking up enough for Odessa slip a dagger across my jugular from twenty feet away. My sister gasped dramatically, her hands shooting to her mouth as her eyes bulged.

“Big Brother!” she screamed, sprinting towards me before slowing as she noticed I was alright. She stopped in the middle of the training field only to prove to be my mother’s daughter. She raised her nose and proceeded forward to inspect more closely that I was fine. Then she turned to Odessa.

“You should be punished for hurting him!” Odessa lowed her head.

“Master will see to it I’m sure,” she said. To anyone else, this must-have sounded demure and worried. The look she gave me only conveyed her pride and wanton lust, however. I had a standing order that any ‘kills’ on me were to be rewarded. Odessa was tough to fight after I gave the order. She and others hadn’t dared to hurt me.

Then one of the other warriors in my group had gotten too into the fight and skewered me when I overextended. She’d asked for something rather tame when I’d asked her for what she wanted as a reward.

A kiss on the cheek. I’d given it and she squealed with delight before batting her eyes at me. She’d been less amused when I told her she could dare for more. Next time. Odessa had become highly motivated since then. The last five ‘kills’ all being caused by her.  Was worried I was starting to grow a fetish into her with the action-reward conditioning I was all but guaranteeing it. I was also getting quite a lot from it but I would probably need to rethink my methods soon.

Rizette, my now named younger sister nodded imperiously. She gave another inspection of me before waving her hand. “Carry on!”

She then marched away. Odessa tried to sneak another ‘kill’. I backhanded her and ignored the moan of pain she gave at the action. That was also a thing I probably needed to address. Thankfully as a man of leisure I really only had demands on my time that I allowed.

The perks of living far, far before the digital age. Even with Magic it still took time to get responses and development. There was not a demand for items and tasks done now. When you felt bored you could request something close at hand in the home or wait a few days for something new to arrive.

I had started to send out my warriors on patrols that spanned the entire Phenex territory and from this, I gained reports of the happenings of my father’s lands. In truth, I had enough land to qualify as a small country. I had started to compile information and resources available to me and I was starting to formulate a vision for the land. There would be lots of little plans that I could slowly implement.

For now I had to focus on beating my warriors into the ground. Another one showed some pesky ‘initiative’ and attacked from the watchers instead of merely watching. The escalation of from five to six foes saw two people claim a kill shot on me. Odessa looked stunned that she wasn’t one of them.

I sighed and smiled at the two men. “And what would you both like?”

“A week off…” said one with a cringe as the other perked up. “A kiss!”

“Granted and—” I kissed the man on the lips without missing a beat. He skipped back to group as I signalled a ‘form up’ order. I looked around to see all the women blushing and dabbing at their noses.

I gave the group a roll of my eyes. This was no different from college. Technically I had kissed my father before so he wasn’t even the ‘first’ male kiss. Those had been platonic and on the cheek of course but still. It made it much easier that he was a beautiful man. We both were beautiful men actually, now that I stopped to think of it.

The training I had subjected myself, and to a lesser but degree the man in question to, had made us rather striking. Like Greek heroes of old only lither.

Alright, so the reaction might have been warranted. Rizette seemed unsure why everyone was reacting the way they were but she was notably taking it all in.

“Excellent work everyone, I find it harder and harder each time I step into the ring with you. You are all making me work for it.” I signalled the person that had joined without prompting. “Excellent initiative. You may also have your choice of three days off in the coming week. Do not push your luck in future training sessions though.”

I continued to praise the elite group of warriors. These few had emerged over the years as being head and shoulders above the others. This group I had named as my own Sardokaur.

A nod to the past and future hopefully.

The group’s desire to grow stronger had grown from a flame to an inferno at my acknowledging them. I had more people from the ‘regulars’ that were applying themselves now than simply working through the training sessions. People were seeking out the extra resources that I had made available. I now had twenty Elite warriors and two hundred regulars that served as guards for the house and soldiers for the territory.

I had the Sardokaur roam in groups of five. Odessa’s unit just happened to always roam the Phenex mansion.  I had them all with specialty areas that I made sure to record. They were growing nicely. If they had access to all the resources and knowledge that I did they might even have been strong enough to beat me one on one as they were in no way lacking in determination. Fortunately for me, I had the luck to be born into a high-class family when the social dynamic was perhaps most in favour of the nobility. Most of the servants worshipped me for allowing them chances to better themselves.

When I finished with them I verbally dismissed them and turned to my mother. Odessa fell in behind and slightly to the side. I could see her practically vibrating in anticipation. I had trained myself enough now that I could also smell her arousal despite the pants and shirt she wore.

“Mother? You had a question about my methods mother?”

She looked up from where she had been grooming my sister’s mane of ringlets with a fond expression. “Indeed. Is the level of violence you subject yourself to so needed?”

“Yes,” I said firmly. When she gave me an imperious look I expanded on my answer, “I need to keep myself at least as strong if not stronger. I have the advantage of my bloodline and the ‘live-fire’ nature of the fighting allows me to grow faster. The harshness merely accelerates everyone’s growth. Today’s fight was me against them but the target and nature of the fight can change each time. This is merely one aspect. There is the physical, the magical, the mental training we all need to go through.”

“The mental?” asked my sister with a cute tilt of her head.

“The mind,” I said, tapping my head. “It means nothing if you have the strongest attack if you don’t know how and when to use it. There are instances when some techniques are better than others or some techniques can be used in… ways they weren’t originally intended to be used.”

“Eh?” she said repeating the tilt.

I grinned before disappearing in a flash of fire. I appeared to the side only to vanish and reappear in multiple different locations around the area, small flames shooting up in the wake of my movement. Then I returned and only part of my leg flashed. The air cracked like a whip had fired out. “A movement technique that I developed can be an attack if used in the right instance. For example.” I tapped her on the nose before leaning back. “But there are also instances when we can’t just beat up the baddies.” I decided not to mention ‘killing’ as my sister was still innocent for all that she was a devil. A paradox if ever one existed.

She accepted my reasoning at least while my mother nodded much slower behind her. “That is pleasing to hear my dear Raviel.” she offered me a hand and I took it to help her rise from her divan that collapsed back into the stonework it had once been. A casual display of magic that was almost unconscious on her part, but still a display of skill I hadn’t reached in wielding magic.

I nodded at her and she smiled, pleased I had caught the unspoken comment on what she thought I should work more on. “Make sure you don’t forget your lesson as the heir of our household Raviel, I would not want you to shame us by accident in front of the other families.”

“I shall endeavour to make such lapse non-existent mother.” She patted my cheek, a smile on her lips as we crossed a garden with some peacocks that were orange and pink from their nature as animals reared in hell.

“Your father also wanted to discuss granting you for summoning crest. With this you will be able to take on any contracts that the mortals in their world might offer.” she gave me a much sharper smile that spoke of good times for her and suffering for others. Her eyes sparkled and I had no doubt that she had been summoned in the past and ruined some poor fool's life with a twist of words or a smouldering look. That was before magic even came into it. This was a devil that might have even known the original Lucifer. I had no doubt she had tricks for days.

I nodded. “That is something I am looking forward to. Did he want to speak now?” I asked, already plotting where he would most likely be in the manor.

“He has been called to attend to Lord Leviathan’s manor. I do not expect him back for another few days at least.”

“Is… something wrong?” I asked. Worried despite knowing there shouldn’t be anything major until the Devil civil war. Unless something had gone wrong with Lord Leviathan and he needed my father for… reasons. I could honestly think of a host of reasons. The worst might even be that as a ‘Lord’ Leviathan really didn’t need a reason to ruin my father.

“No, dear nothing at all. Lord Leviathan and your father are friendly you could say. Your father is often asked for his take on certain events. I do believe the Slavic pantheon have been having some issues and Leviathan is thinking of making some moves.” She gives me a wide, hungry smile, “Perhaps he might even steal away Lada~”

“Who’s Lada Mother?” asked my sister.

“Lada is the Goddess of Beauty and ‘Marriage’ she would be quite the gem to claim if Lord Leviathan decided he wanted her within his harem.”

“Is that likely?” I asked, mind already racing. I’ve not thought of that. From… whenever now was to the modern era of the twenty-first century, there would be numerous ‘deaths of pantheons as people died out or the gods vanished. Some of those would be Devil caused surely.

I didn’t need a big war to be at risk. Even small scale events could be dangerous and see me fighting Gods, Heroes and Supernatural beings. I’d need to expand the mental lessons to incorporate more research into the various legends and stories available. Part of me also liked the idea of getting a lot of detail regarding these beings that could become extinct in the future.

My mother sighed sadly. “No, not in truth. Lord Leviathan is more a creature of Wrath than Lust or Greed.” Mother gave another sigh before gesturing that she was heading in another direction. “Seek your father out when he returns and he will teach you about the summons and help you slip them into church bibles for foolish mortals.”

I’d have to ask about that little detail. Although it did seem rather bemusing to use the church's own bibles to distribute flyers for summoning devils. I had no doubt it wasn’t a double-edged sword of risk. The Devils probably only thought it a clever thumbing of their noses, and as a method of planting sinners in the faithful.

I waved at my sister as she followed after my mother, all but trying to mimic her as she walked away.

The smell wafting from Odessa spiked in anticipation. I continued to walk along. I even whistled as I walked along, ignoring how it only heightened her anticipation. When I reached a juncture in I glanced at her. “So, what was your request of me today Odessa?” I put a finger under her chin. “How should I punish you?”

The smell became especially potent and I could almost hear her heart thundering in her chest as she rubbed her legs together and handed me a folded up note. I glanced over it before raising an eyebrow. “Really?” I felt my pants tighten.

“Yes… my lord,” she panted.

I nodded leaned in and kissed her right there in the hall. She leaned into it and shuddered. “In a few days,” I said as I leaned back. She whimpered. “For now let’s retire to my room. I should have enough time to sort myself out before my next lesson.”

I certainly wasn’t going to go to my lesson like this.


“The summoning ritual is a time-honoured tradition, my son. It was originally created when a mortal accidentally used their magic while working on a math equation and they ended up summoning the devil.”

I raised a finger before closing my mouth. How badly did you need to get something wrong that you ended up summoning the devil? My father continued, unmindful of my thoughts.

“The Devil of course ripped the foolish mortal's soul and devoured it. In doing so he gained a small increase in his power, which for Lucifer was significant. With more time he soon learnt that there exists magic within even the desires of man much like their faithful prayers convey power to gods and goddesses. With their desires being used to manifest ourselves we merely needed more people to become aware of us.”

My father gave me a smile that was far to pleased with itself. “We learnt of the bible and how mortals create such things. With the copying system, they use it was not very difficult to add extra pages or even have the mortal copy the sheets themselves. After all would it not be better to not let mortals know of the devil at all? He could not be nearly as effective if they did not know to call out for devils after all.”

I didn’t tell him of the proverb from my world which was very much the opposite. The Devil’s greatest trick was supposed to be making mankind think he didn’t exist. But perhaps that was a difference in the times or worlds leaking through.

“The creation of the Devil summoning system is so great it beats out anything Heaven has created such was the brilliance of the first Lucifer!” I nodded at his dramatic, and not at all propaganda ridden speech.

“ Now you’re own summoning seal will always feature the pentagram to signify a devil is being summoned. You will have some specific individualised script to signal that you are the one that people are looking for. If they mess up it will otherwise arc the signal out in such a way I might even be called as the base seal will focus on our bloodline. Your sister, having not been linked up to the summoning system, has no risk of being summoned as a child.”

My father looked down at me. “You will be required to make sure that you collect souls for yourself my son. You will grow with this avenue available but you must also make sure that word gets out regarding your deeds, offer mortals enough rope and they will gladly strangle themselves. We need not take their souls immediately remember, we can wait for them or lead them where we need them.” He flexed and tapped his fingers in a manner that made me want to say ‘Excellent~’ but I knew that would only cause me issues so instead I held my tongue as my father played up the evil character tropes that must have been trained into him.

He handed me a sheet of paper with prepared pentagrams with circles. The Devil scrip bordering the inner circle allowed me to slowly decipher at least this part.

It said; Offer up something of priceless value and conjure forth ________ from Hell.

Looking at the blank space that was apparently for me to make a mark in. Like a signature only this would have a meaning branded into the weave of multiple words, thus allowing me to be summoned. I made a simple sign, like one would as a child to signify a bird only to add in a small half circle attaching the wings more firmly. In the middle, I made a stylised R. I looked up to see my father observing me while stroking his goatee.

“Well done, as expected of my son!” He whisked the sheet away. “I shall have this set into the summoning magics. Expect a summon soon.”

“How soon?”

My father waved his hand about. “Oh a year or so, not long at all humans love to tempt themselves. I’ll have some of my agents offer around your sign. You’ll soon have mortal cultists lining up for you I have no doubt.” He rose and waved me off before making his own way out. I had apparently pleased him by understanding intuitively what was supposed to go in the blank space. To me, it read very much like a standard government form except in a strange shape. If anything this form was easier to understand in truth.

I departed towards the stables running through the potential pros and cons of being signed in to the summoning system.

If I really wanted I could probably be smart and set up a press with nothing but the summoning circle for myself with instructions printed out. But then again that would merely be tempting fate, who were actually people I might encounter if I bumped into other pantheons. The Norns alone stood out in my mind.

Still, I didn’t want a zealous priest or powerful warrior to get a hold of my sheets that might spell my end. I jotted down some thoughts to ask my father at the next lesson.

I’d also need to learn more about what the mechanics were for devouring another’s soul. The soul was a paradox. Small enough to fit into the smallest of newborns but also infinite in potential.

Was my soul any different from a devil? Would something change from consuming it?

Would I shift alignments? Find myself one day considering the pro and cons of eating babies? I had no idea. Perhaps I could assign some of my regulars and perform a few experiments. That seemed the safest way. Perhaps I could hold the souls for a later date… or even just offer them to the men and women in my employ. I’d need to ponder on this some more.

Thankfully as a young Lord I have ways to distract myself. I could train, or read some books. I could even simple idle around, indolent without any purpose like a sloth.

Instead of doing any of that I folded up a bit of my magic into a small fiery bird before sending it off to act as a messenger. The bird flapped off leaving me to walk lazily towards the stables. I had little to no doubt I would arrive as a wizard would, not late or early but precisely when I intended to.

I smiled and walked on. My day’s chores all complete. Now it was time to play

                                      (*)_______________________________________________ (*)

When I heard running feet I turned to give Odessa a raised eyebrow. She blushed furiously before bowing, biting her lip and slipping past me. I watched her go. So that’s how it was going to be eh?

I followed her in her hips sashaying in front of me all but inviting me to pounce on her. She stopped, and gathered her breath for a moment only to whirl around. She gasped theatrically at me before heaving wonderfully. My eyes tracked her exposed bosom as she drew in a breath.

“You’ve caught me!” she said falling into her role.

I eyed her imperiously and nodded. “Indeed. Did you think you could escape me?” I advanced upon her. “I would track you down to the ends of the world and beyond woman. Do not entertain ideas you can be rid of me.” I leaned down, delighting in how in the last month I had shot up past her in height. I claimed her chin and lifted it. “You are mine little thief and you will not make off.”

I pushed her up against the stable wall and kissed her, laying pressure on as I ground myself into her. When I broke the kiss Odessa was wonderfully flushed. “It was only a few jewels my lord.” she quivered and ‘fought’ at my gasp trying to escape my grasp half-heartedly. I barely remembered the role I was asked to play but with what she’d said I knew just how to get her well and truly aroused in a way she wouldn’t contain. I already had her heart and now I would claim her mind.

I decided to flip the script she was offering me. “Feh! I care nothing for a few scant jewels. “ I tore her dress and grabbed her breasts as they bounced free. I kissed her again and held her there. I broke the kiss. “You tried to leave. You,” I leant into the word for emphasis and drive my desires past her heart. “ARE MINE!” I kissed her again and opened the empty stall where I three her onto the clean straw.

I divested myself of my clothes and tore the last vestiges of her dress from her before lowering myself. I had no mind for anything resembling foreplay here and now. Instead, I focussed on taking her like a beast. I pulled her up to me, making her curl up even as I thrust down into her with my cock.

I entered her and groaned at the feel of her grasping at me. Her vagina twisting as she shuddered. “My Lord!” She wailed as I broke a kill. She looked into my eyes searching for honesty and I met her gaze. She clenched around me, her game of roleplaying completely lost to her.

The note asking for a ‘roll in the hay’ had been rather amusing. I had no doubt it was more for her own little list of ticking off places she’s had sex with me but the decision to include the theatre was a touch inspired on her part. It was a little too similar to her usual role, however. This was only a step away from naughty maid and master. I’d have to introduce her to some others like teacher and student or guardsman and civilian. Maybe even be knight and princess?

For now, I focussed on not fucking her on the cobblestone and instead of holding her close to me while lifting and pumping her while bucking my hips. She mewled and came around me as she realised how much I had meant the words. It was silly on my part to allow her even a smidgeon of my heart but she was a dedicated, loyal woman. Any trying to steal her from me would face a rage that would surely see me branded as a Devil of Wrath.

Strangely the idea of tearing them apart and reclaiming her as mine only made me more aggressive. Part of me denying such an act would ever occur. Odessa was aware of this as her body trembled and her face slacked as a silly grin made its way onto her face.

“Raviel! My Lord! You’re ruining me!”

“You’re mine to ruin! You’ll be how I want you!” I snarled as I hammered into her. Odessa tried to desperately cling to me and I allowed her. Her breasts bounced wonderfully right in front of my face and it was only my pride in making her cum her brains out that didn’t see me stopping and suckling on them.

Her screams of passion were music to my ears. When I got tired of pumping her I stood and pushed her against the wall. One leg slide down to support herself but she found herself unable to do even this as her legs gave out. I had to resort to holding her up once more as I continued to pound into her.

When I was done with that position I pushed her onto her knees and took her like a beast. She mewled and held herself up from the ground barely with her arms but I knew I could see her limp and comatose if I kept going.

I caught a few stablehands peering in but a glare and a fireball saw them scampering away. They were replaced by a few nosy maids which I allowed as pride swelled within my breast at them watching me.

When I spent myself a final time I let Odessa slump forward only to lift her back and lay her in my lap. She lay there, weak as a newborn gazing up at me. She tried to lift her arms up to stroke my face but found herself unable. I chuckled and kissed her. She sighed contentedly. When I summoned a blanket to wrap her in with a flex of magic I was pleased to have it actually arrive quickly.

I then departed with her swaddled in a blanket. I gave quite a lot of people eyefuls as I decided to only wear my trousers back to my room.

When I lay Odessa down in my bed she giggled deliriously before falling to sleep and cuddled up to my side. I summoned a book and allowed myself to relax. The perfect picture of the indolent lord.

I wanted things to stay this way but knew that I would have to work for it. I nodded to myself. It wasn’t a paradox for me. I merely had to work hard to protect my lazy lifestyle and the people that I wanted within it. I rubbed at Odessa’s hair as she slept


A.N. Another of these Patreon Exclusive stories for the DxD SI.

This is unedited and it probably shows.

Another none story post to follow. Thanks fro reading


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