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So I have been noticing a ton of comments on the latest Red Riot chapter about upping content on it at the expense of Hard Enough, or just upping Red Riot release schedule to more a month.

So, I thought I'd give people a bit of a heads-up about what's going on in my mind about this.

Don't expect this to be structured or be clear in direction.

Things are quite murky for me right now.

Firstly, Red Riot and Hard Enough are meant to be different story types, with Naruto being a much edgier harsh world of ninja killing each other while Ninja Jesus does his thing, whereas pokemon is a world of adventure and wonder.

Things are rough in Hard Enough, more so than in the cartoons, but the key themes of exploring are meant to be there, albeit in a setting that most don't focus on. Aka What being a Gym Leader entails.

Hard Enough gets roughly 8 to 10 chapters a month.  I only have one chapter a month of RR which means I usually try and make sure that something seriously significant occurs that people can sink their teeth into compared to slower teasings and plot developments with Hard Enough.

 I know there is a lot of vocal support for Red Riot. I'm honestly glad to see people enjoying it as much as they are.

I'm not as opposed to the idea of increasing it but I don't really want to drop a chapter of Hard Enough or shake things up.

Also, I was previously somewhat burned out of Naruto after my NNT quest, but I am finding myself enjoying Red Riot as something significantly different.

So there might be some more interest in Red Riot, but don't expect things to change too quickly.

In terms of IRL, I am in a bit of a flux at the moment with the decision to drop my day job from 4 days a week to 2 days a week to be a stay-at-home dad for my daughter as my wife steps back into running her business.

My hope is that when things with her hip dysplasia settles down and as she gets older I can spend a bit more time writing and/or have more structured moments throughout the week that are a bit more scheduled and locked in.

I literally had to pull my boss aside a few weeks ago and tell him this was my situation, and he is trying to work out what would be best for work. I'm sort of at the stage where I could step away without feeling too much like I am missing out on a great thing.

Thanks to the consistent support of my patreons I have been able to point out the benefits of me writing more to my wife a lot but it does come up against things such as family time/ aka looking after my wife, daughter, and lately, my increasingly senile aunt...

I'm somewhat idealising the thought of just quitting my day job and becoming a full-time dad/writer but there are obvious risks with that, but there is also a lot of potential.
- If I did do this, I'd have to be more serious with things like engagement, which I know I am frankly terrible at as an author, and editing, which I'm passable at. I'd also need to seriously look into upping my game, as there is a lot I think I could do better with my writing. cough - pacing - cough.

I'd also probably have to add new tiers and also add more benefits to patreons.

If I did that, I think I would try to lock in an extra one or two Red Riot chapters a month, but also the inclusion of something original.

I do want to eventually leave my own mark on the world with a work of fictional literature that is my own work. I have lots of plot bunnies bouncing around in my mind but am unsure if they'd be as well received.

Currently, my mind keeps toying with;

1. A gamer installed into WWII setting

2. A sort of mishmash of Power Rangers, and some dark edgy Magical girl setting.

3. Voidhop
4. Medieval gamer setting with hard version of gamer.
There are others, but the main two are the ones fighting for my attention the most.

So yeah...?

TLDR: Viva01 waffes about his life and tells people a lot of nothing is currently going to change as too much is fluctuating in his life IRL to commit to any changes with his writing schedule.

He gives a lot of love to his patreons for their support, which has given him more options.


Alex McGregor

I'll be honest I don't follow Red Riot, the combination of setting, location and just general story beats didn't grab my attention, so I'll be disappointed if it takes up more slots in the month, but, not much I can do about it


I just wanted to say that while I originally came for HE, Red Riot is really what makes me stay. As one of the advocates for increasing the number of RE chapters a month, it would be greatly appreciated. However, I do understand if you're unable to due to your other responsibilities.


I joined specifically for Red Riot. I also read HE, but it doesn't grab my attention as much as RR. Just 1 extra chapter a month would be amazing!

Joseph (T3mmie)

I'd be interested in the power ranger magical girl one but the dark edgy bit kinda throws me off. More serious sure but grimdark magical girls is a bit overplayed in my personal opinion

Joseph (T3mmie)

I joined for hard enough, I also think that I wouldn't want you to take content from that to add more of the naruto one. Especially if you don't want to. These are your fictions, how much and how little you write them is fully up to you.