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Poking my head up out of the porn mines to let you know what I've been up to this week:


I have ALL my early access audios written, plus the General Admission exclusive. I'm literally writing the Backstage exclusive today, which means I have 3 scripts left to pen and all my June audios will be ready to record.

But Audi, when will we get to HEAR these?
Great question. In keeping with the week-by-week plan, you will have 3 audios to listen to and all of them will be posted by the 14th which means I'm right on schedule.

Your exclusives will be out starting on the 15th, followed by the remaining early access which will come the week of the 21st. This new scheduling is working really well for me - being able to focus on one thing at a time (writing, then recording) has me pumped. Does this mean we've cracked the code?! I sure hope so. Executive dysfunction be damned, we've got this.

I know it's a bit quiet here during the writing phase but in return you'll be bombarded with new content in the second half of the month.

I've returned to Literotica and P-hub but it's nothing you haven't already heard - even so, I appreciate any likes or listens and it all helps boost me. The reality is my audience is limited since I can't post to GWA so any help on other platforms is always precious to me and very appreciated. Y'all are my first priority so no matter what I do I give things to you first (when I'm able - script fills are usually an exception due to the writers' TOU).

So yes I know I haven't posted in a few days but be patient - I think you're gonna love these audios. 💜

Don't forget to eat tasty food and hydrate yourself today! I'm heading back to finish my writing and get everything ready.




This calls for celebration. The code has been cracked and I’m excited to see what you’ve been working on.

Shadowy Fox

I'm so happy you're doing so well! Even just knowing you're writing and feeling inspired brightens my day and makes me even more excited for when things do come out. I'm happy to start liking on the other site options.


You just being here is such a gift, thank you 💜 I haven't had this much fun writing in ages, I'm thrilled to be back at it and feeling more like the person I was a year ago

Shadowy Fox

I'm just glad to be supporting any way I can. Your audios helped me through the pandemic, so I'm happy to give back in any way I can. It's really obvious how much fun you're having, and it makes the content that much more enjoyable.

Bruce Luvs

Porn mines, lol. Makes me think of the Devo song "Working in a Coal Mine" from the movie "Heavy Metal" Even some of the real lyrics could be of the entendre variety: Workin' in the coal mine Goin' on down, down Workin' in a coal mine Oops, about to slip down Workin' in a coal mine Goin' on down, down Workin' in a coal mine Oops, about to slip down Five o'clock in the mornin' I'm already up and gone Lord, I'm so tired How long can this go on?