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Please bear with me - my grandmother is in the hospital again and this time the docs are saying she doesn't have much time left. I need some time and patience, I know the last half of this year has been frustratingly inconsistent with content, posts, and activity and I'm sorry about that. Things will get better, I just need to focus on my family for a bit and try to get through the rest of this year in one piece. 💜



The lack of content lately isn't that big a deal for me. Things happen and family and health should take priority. Sending love and prayers to you.


Do what you gotta do Audi. I went through something real similar last year. You take care. We'll be here if you need us. Sending love, prayers etc. your way.


Don’t worry, we wish you and of course your family all the best. Take your Time! 🙏🏻


Focus on family. Everyone understands. Best of luck


Family always first

Video_Game _Royal

Do not worry about us at ALL. Your family is your priority, and anyone here who would resent you for taking care of a loved one or yourself doesn't deserve you


take all the time you need, this is Family. don't be afraid to take care of yourself aswell, you bring peopl comfort and entertainment, but that doesn't mean youdont need time for yourself/Family.


Everyone here wants what's best for you and your family, and would do the same in your position. Spend time with your Gram and don't worry about us. Love, prayers, and best wishes.


Don't worry audi, wish you the best, we'll be waiting for you when you are ready no rush <3.

Hugo The Marvelous

Do what you have to. Take time to do what you need for her and yourself. Hugs!


No need for any apology. Spending time with the people you love is the most important thing. We're all glad to support you! 👍👍