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I really don't like to take the focus off my work or sexy things, but I'm gonna take a second to do that.

I have a family member who just left a terrible situation. I helped them make the move. Their abuser showed up at my door looking for them, but thankfully left without incident. My family member is in a safe, secure location and I'm being as safe as I can as well, but I'm considerably stressed out. Therefore I may not be around here to respond to messages or comments as much for the next few days. Content won't be affected because I'm a workaholic, but when it comes to being social I struggle when I'm stressed.

So if I take even longer than usual to respond, please don't take it personally - I will get to you as soon as I can.

Thank you for your continued support, it means the world to me.

Talk soon.

Edit: I'm moving the live recording to Friday to give myself a couple days to bounce back! Not cancelling it, I refuse to do that.


thomas d

Whoa, Please be stay extra safe, and good luck to your family member. Its a scary situation, and well being is most important.


Okay, I like this last night but now I have the brainpower to comment. I am so, so sorry you and your family member are going through this! I am really glad nothing too crazy happened when that person showed up at your door. Please take the time you need and let us know how we can support you through this trying time. Hugs!