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Remember when I took a month off to make an album and then it didn't happen?

Yeah, me neither. (LOLOLOL - that's depression for ya)

ANYWAY - I refuse to give up on the idea that I WILL make an album this year. And to that end, I'd like to share demos of the songs I'm working on with you guys! These are gonna be very simple, just (badly played) guitar and voice, with a tiny bit of tweaking because I'm a whore for reverb.

In case you didn't know, I am a failed musician. I moved to Toronto and played as many open mics as I could. I recorded an EP when I was 18. I had big dreams, baby. And I failed. Growing up, I wanted to be either a musician or a professional songwriter but it wasn't in the cards for me. Accepting that and pivoting my skills toward voice acting completely changed my life - I'm living a version of my original dream, after all. I write and record and make a living at it, it's only the content that changed. But I will always sing.

And so, here's a song I wrote toward the end of February and recorded in my kitchen. 


I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire

I wouldn't kiss on you my tongue is a pyre

And you tasted me

Was I your sweetest lie yet

And you wasted me

You were my sweetest regret

I wouldn’t bend to you if my knees were broken

I wouldn’t defend you against the truths that have been spoken

And you tasted me

Was I bitter on your tongue

And you wasted me

Was it worth what you’ve become

You crushed me between your teeth

Tell me do you taste me

Swallow me, I am the poison

You crushed me beneath your thumb

I can’t stand what I have become

Swallow me, I am the poison

You tasted me

Was I your sweetest lie yet

You wasted me

You were my sweetest regret

You ache for me

A pretty portrait of your pain

You’ll break for me

I found my way into your brain

You’ll dance for me

The moonlight burns across your skin

You’ll lose to me

I was always meant to win

I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire

I should’ve known that you

Were nothing more than a liar…




Sweet. Loved the song and your voice!


Your voice: amazing The song: amazing Conclusion: YOU ROCK!!


Sublime. I never ever get tired of you singing 😭💗

thomas d

Your voice is easy on the ears, and lyrics a beautiful poem.