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Pertinent Patreon-related information & a big ass ramble about life and creativity.

00:00 - 08:32: Actual relevant information

08:32 - 20:33: Ramblin'



Dr. Camn

I... where do I start. I love this to death. I love your audio diary voice, and I'm so fucking here for it. I definitely really could just listen to you talk about damn near anything. Also, I really want to give you a big fucking hug. ALSO ALSO: I am definitely in that category of people. I never pursued art as a career because... well, because I wanted something that would provide a bit more financial security than theater or music or painting. I love being a scientist, but I'll tell you what died while I was in graduate school: my art. My sketchbook has a ten. year. hole in it. For the first time since I was 5, wasn't singing. No fuckin' wonder I developed anxiety! Lol. The only creative outlet I really had was DJing, and I definitely enjoyed that but I look back at my writing comp book and my sketch book and just think, "Damn, where did the rest of me go?" Anyway, christ this got long winded. Loved your audio diary post, this was awesome to listen to, and I'm so happy to be here and to help support you!


YOU'RE A FUCKING SWEETHEART 😭 I'm really glad you enjoyed it, I'm trying to get out of my own way and just speak my mind and it means a lot to me that you listened! Seriously. And hugs are always welcome, fyi 💜