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The power to be, the power to give, the power to see...

In the before times, I was primarily a singer-songwriter in my creative life. I spent countless hours practicing and writing and then eventually performing in bars in Toronto, dragging my acoustic around in a backpack-style carrying case I still have today. Artists like KT Tunstall inspired me so much with their acoustic vibes and lyrically driven music, and this song in particular has always made me feel like there was so much hope for the future and that that I was only seeing a fraction of what I was capable of.

The girl in this song is the girl I want to someday become. 

And everything around her is a silver pool of light
The people who surround her feel the benefit of it
It makes you calm
She holds you captivated in her palm

This in particular speaks to me, especially given the content I create and the sense of community I try to foster around me. I'm incredibly lucky that the people who find my work are some of the most kindhearted, giving individuals I've ever had the pleasure to interact with. Not to mention you're literally making it possible for me to chase my dream.

I don't know how many people can say they have an amazing support system of people they've never met rooting for them and hoping to see them succeed, and I never forget how lucky I am to have that. And for what it's worth, I'm rooting for all of you, too. 

This felt like an appropriate choice for the first cover song recorded in my new closet studio. I'm still congested from all the dust kicked up by moving, and I haven't finished getting the soundproofing set up so it's a little rough, but I hope you enjoy the song anyway. 



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