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I'm so tired of swimming upstream on YouTube to get sensei to notice me, so I'm trying out a new channel to see how it goes. I know about half of you found me there so I wanted to make sure you see this and know where to go to subscribe!

NEW CHANNEL AHOY (@audioharlo)

All my old videos will stay where they are so you can keep on enjoying them, but this Monday marks the first day of a fresh new beginning. Let's see how it goes! I appreciate your support, you guys are frickin rockstars.



Richard Hardslab

I hope this move works! I've been seeing a lot of ASMR roleplay creators say that they're getting smacked by YT regulations


I just thought I was getting ad restricted, which is fine because I don't get bothered about making youtube money, but apparently that came with the algorithm throttling my visibility. We'll see how Monday's video goes - if I don't see a real difference over the next month or so I can always go back to posting on my original channel! I want people to see my videos and enjoy them so this is worth a shot.