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June was INSANITY, honestly. I started with the best intentions but I maaaaaay have overloaded my plate just a tiny bit. Can't help it, I got all excited and fired up about our anniversary. As you may notice, I have planned fewer audios for this month in the pinned post. As I mentioned in last month's update, I'm taking a solo trip from July 4th-7th to recharge my batteries and although I will absolutely be using that time to write and take full advantage of the privacy to do a little recording, I will also be just existing and enjoying the peace. Touching some grass, even. Since I've run out of time to finish what I've promised TWO MONTHS IN A ROW, that tells me I still need to work on pacing myself a bit. So I've removed the early access audios from the schedule, except for one. I've already finished most of the audios I'll be posting on free places this month (and you've already heard them), so you won't really be missing anything. Instead I'll be focusing on our exclusives (the poll winners, the Don't Call Me Ma'am series, etc) and adding things whenever I can as surprises.


I wanted to post TWO celebration audios last month but I only ended up having time for one, so let's pretend you're all my professors and you've generously given me an extension on my assignments. I will be posting the poll winners as I'm able to finish them but I don't want to have a set date and then fail to meet it again. The winners were:

  • Punishing The Bratty Babysitter 2

  • You're Tipsy, Let Me Take Care Of You 2

  • Ex Girlfriend's Mom Wants Your Cock 2

I'm sorry I wasn't able to complete them all on time - I've no excuses aside from overextending myself and poor time management. I overestimated how much I could accomplish. My bad, I'm working on that!!

Other things that fell off the truck last month:
 If you can't read those, they're screenshots from my last monthly update where I talked about falling behind with the Love Is Alien series (I said the second episode was coming soon but it's still sitting in my WIP folder, unedited) and the next Coffee Confessions (which I tried to record several times but kept veering off topic and then ran out of time). I ALSO still didn't write a new dirty diary entry, because I was too busy flailing around trying to finish my scripts.

Time management is my biggest weakness and I think we all knew that. I'm only mildly sorry though because I did post lots of things even if I failed in other areas. You're here for the audios at the end of the day, right? And I'm still finding my perfect workflow. My family will also be planning my mom's memorial and begin going through her things this month and into August (as I'm sure I've mentioned) so I see rough waters on the horizon. I'm doing all right when it comes to missing my mom, but it's a long journey.

I have a tendency to overexplain but I want things to make sense to you all and I feel the need to keep you all in the loop because I disappeared for so long. That's why these updates are so damn wordy. I ALSO know that you all understand me and you're always so patient - I see that and I appreciate it so very fucking much.


A few really cool things happened recently - for one thing, my incredible collab with Victoria Malfoy (SnakeySmut) will be going live later today (about 3.5 hours from the time of this post, at 11AM EST). I've been really looking forward to sharing this with all of you! I hope you like it.

Also, last month my YouTube channel reached 20,000 subscribers! That's a HUGE accomplishment in my eyes, especially since I'm often ad restricted and have been shadowbanned for ages. I know it's not all about numbers, but it's a nice milestone anyway.

My only plan for the next couple of months is to avoid trying to do everything all at once. My goal is to start off August's update with "I met all my deadlines" instead of "Oops, I didn't finish it again". I would like to finish the things I didn't get to last month and manage my time better. We're all works in progress, aren't we? So what kind of stuff are you all hoping to accomplish this summer? What areas are you looking to improve? We can encourage each other!


I adore you folks and I think you're really hot and wonderful and kind and I'm so lucky to have you. I always say it because it's always true. I hope you enjoy all the cool stuff coming this month and also HAPPY CANADA DAY to my fellow maples!! XOXOXO



We get more than enough! Please make sure not to over exert yourself. I know sometimes it's hard to hold back. And sometimes, things just take up more time than we expect. Don't worry about it, though. As I said: you give us more than enough! I appreciate your open communication and don't mind the wordiness. I feel you there. I tend to get quite wordy as well sometimes. 😅


XOXOXOXO Thank you, darling! I think words are the best so we should be using more of them lol!


The audios you've released over the past month have been absolute bangers. Enjoy the time you're taking off for your trip, you've earned some good rest and relaxation! Thanks for keeping us posted :)