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In the case of a tie (we had a couple this month), I chose the one I felt currently inspired by. Losing audio ideas will be used in the future, we don't waste good porn concepts around here.

General Admission: Bonfire Date Night With Your Busty, Beautiful Girlfriend

Backstage Pass: Catching Your Horny Classmate Listening To You Jerk Off

All Access Pass: Your Roommate’s Hot Mom Accidentally Sends You Nudes

Bodyguard: Baddie In Your Book Club Wants To Ride Your Cock

Manager: Your Thick-Thighed Girlfriend Wants To Sit On Your Face

You can track my progress throughout the month in the pinned post!



I've written almost all of my regular planned audios for this month. That is the most ahead of the game I've ever been. I've also already created my thumbnails. All I need to do is record and edit! WHAT IS THIS DEVILRY - I've never been this productive in my life. I DID have to shuffle around a couple audios because I need more time to do them - namely, my next Stonebridge-penned script fill. It's a very long audio and because of some life stuff that happened this week, I physically don't have the time to record and edit anything lengthy. But that's ok! A little switcheroo and it'll be coming next week instead.

So about the life stuff - as you know, my mom passed away unexpectedly almost 6 months ago. We decided to postpone her celebration of life until better weather - winters are really harsh here in Newfoundland and this past winter was particularly brutal. I finally heard back from my stepdad and on Thursday we brought my mother's ashes to be transferred to her permanent urn and our keepsakes and memorial jewelry. I spent all of Wednesday crying in my bed and dreading Thursday. See, as long as I don't have to deal with or face certain things, I can function. It's not that I'm in denial, it's more like it's easy not to think about her being gone if I just focus on working and creating and housework. I'm keeping myself busy as a way to survive this pain. Because although I may seem to be mostly ok, I'm absolutely not. I will be, but I'm not yet. And anytime I have to face something that makes it feel real, I completely fall apart. I didn't know we'd be doing that this week so I was a bit blindsided and it knocked me on my ass for a day or so, which pushed back my planned recording time.

I want to give you all a heads up that I may slow down a little bit in July. My mom's memorial is happening at the beginning of August and I have to be available to help plan. I will also be spending some time helping my stepdad go through my mother's things over the next couple months. Both of those activities are going to kick the shit out of me emotionally. I'm trying to get as far ahead with audios as possible before then (which is why I spent this past week writing everything in advance) so hopefully I won't have to slow down too much. Expect next month's polls to be posted early again to make sure I have enough time to set things up in advance. My intention is to prioritize everyone's exclusives and if I need to skip posting early access (or free stuff entirely), then that will be ok. Patrons are my first priority. I just wanted to give you guys a little heads up in advance, just in case.

I will ALSO be spending this summer learning to drive. Yes, I'm 36 and have literally never learned to drive. I got my learner's permit last July and bought a car in August, but due to my mom's illness (she was diagnosed shortly after I got the car) everything sort of stopped. My mom was extremely proud of me for finally deciding to get licensed, and it's a huge personal goal of mine, so please wish me luck! I will most definitely need it.

What fun things are you all planning to do this summer? Vacations? Vibes? Gaming? I'm curious to know what my favorite darlings have going on. Thanks for listening and for being here, as always. I'm looking forward to all that this month has in store for us!



Lando Tucker

I appreciate you sharing this with us. I know you probably feel you have to, but it feels like a privelege, so - thanks. It's difficult for me to imagine how you're feeling right now. When I read you spent Wednesday in bed crying, I wanted to give you a hug. I can only send you my virtual one though. I have to mentally wall myself off from anything beyond what I have to deal with that day because when I think into the future I usually get really depressed. I know thats not good for the long term but I feel its the only way I can function sometimes. Good luck with learning to drive! My best advice would be to find an instructor who you get along well with but is also a good teacher. If you come away from the lessons feeling frustrated that isn't a good sign and will probably make you want to quit. I first had lessons in my early 20s and had a horrible instructor, quit, and then tried again with a different one when I was 27 and passed my test that same year. (That was 10 years ago. Yikes)


Your virtual hug means a lot to me, thank you for that! Sending you one right back. Wednesday sucked, and crying sucks, but it's all a part of the grieving process. Some days are really hard, and I'm not afraid to admit it - but I still see the light and joy at the end of the tunnel and as long as I have that I know I'll be ok one day. Excellent advice on the driving instructor - I did do a couple of lessons in September but like you, had a bad fit. My sister is going to teach me and I'll likely do another round of lessons later on with someone new. I'm really excited for that kind of freedom!! No more being stuck in the house all the time LOL!


Thank you for letting us know and I know I speak for everyone when I say take care of yourself first.