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In which I sip on my iced coffee and babble my thoughts and feelings at you OOC. This very first episode features what the hell happened over the past year, what it was like to lose my mom, and the terrors of navigating content creation when you're burned out and depressed.

So, you know, a few light topics LOL JK! I promise it's hopeful at the end.

Speaking out of character used to be something I did all the time, especially when I was streaming on Twitch every day. It isn't something I'm used to doing anymore, and therefore it makes me pretty nervous to just sit and talk with no script and very little direction. That's why I haven't done audio updates in so long - sticking to text is more comfortable.

But I don't want to BE comfortable. I want to push myself outside of that. So here we are.

I have this idea of doing one of these every month. Not an update on what audios to expect or future plans, but rather a 30-40 minute hangout where I talk about something totally unrelated to my work. Could be funny stories from my life. Could be talking about certain experiences I've had. I'd love to tell you some really bad dating stories 'cause I've got a few. I lived through some tough things too, and I would like to share some perspectives on heavier topics as well as maybe make you giggle at some of the scrapes I've gotten into.

These won't be behind a paywall forever but I will give you early access. Let me know if there are any particular topics you might be interested in, but otherwise I'll just pick something and talk. :)




Glad to hear your voice again, your mom sounds awesome. Each of your OOC talks feel like a little oasis of truth on the internet. No matter how rough they get it's comforting to know that something is real and matters.

Rio Pena

I just want to say that you sharing the details of your year away -- touching accounts of your mom's illness and your aunt as your roommate -- makes you a real flesh and blood person and increases our appreciation of what you do and what you create. Cannot wait for the next episode of OOC and maybe some thinking you've done about "consensual porn." Much love -- the Yanks