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Cast your vote for one of my vague prompts and it'll be your tier exclusive! If you have tag ideas for your chosen audio, leave them in a comment for me and I'll use them to shape the audio's direction.

I still owe some poll-winning audios to a few tiers so those will be coming out before the end of the month - I haven't forgotten.

If you haven't yet voted:

General Admission

Backstage Pass

All Access Pass



Tier reward changes:

Nothing major, and NSFW exclusives haven't changed.

What did change?

Early access NSFW now says "occasional" instead of "per month".

Exclusive SFW also says "occasional" now.

It makes more sense for me to focus on exclusive spicy audios every month until I'm back to where I used to be in terms of creating and posting, but I'm also not shutting the door on the occasional surprise treats.

Posting schedule:

Every Sunday! It's worked for two weeks now so I'm going with it.

Personal note:

I'm very grateful you're here and that you've enjoyed the last couple audios. I'm working on recording a message for all of you that'll be up sometime this week where I'll bestow all your flowers on you for keeping me sane(ish) during the last year of pure hell. I'll probably overshare so be warned. But for real, I wouldn't have made it without your kind messages. I love you guys, you're incredible. <3


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