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The strangest thing happened today. I shit you not, I was listening to Tom Lehrer this morning to cheer myself up - highly recommend looking him up if you're unfamiliar, because his satirical songs are incredible. Anyway, I've been trying to be better about responding to messages (I always read but rarely respond these days - I'm reclusive and recovering okay?!?!?) and there was a lovely human in my inbox asking where to find this cover I did a million years ago. This EXACT cover - the original of which I was LITERALLY LISTENING TO THIS MORNING.

I took down all my songs in a fit of rage after Reddit gave me the boot, but I decided to keep them on a hard drive just in case. Well baby, today is just in case day. While I'd like to redo this cover sometime and give it a bit more passion and oomph, in the meantime, HERE IT IS!

Thank you and shout out to Tar_belt for prodding me to look through my hard drive and see what blasts from the past I have hidden away. All the way from 2020, baby.




Ahhhh an oldie and still a goodie 💕

Pvt. Browsing

... does it say a lot about me if I say I listened to this again and again, damn (sorry) near back to back?